#Chapter 25 – Weakness

As I lay in bed that evening, I hear a phone ring. I glance at my bedside table, intent on ignoring it, when I realize that the screen of my cell phone remains dark. Huh?

Suddenly, I realize that the tinny ringing is the old-fashioned rotary phone that I use for sessions with Victor. s**t. I head to my closet, where I’ve hidden the phone and the equipment. I pick it up on the sixth ring.


“Hello. I apologize, I know that we don’t have an appointment tonight. I just…I needed to talk.” Victor’s voice is disguised, as always, but I can tell that he’s upset. I raise my eyebrows. That makes two of us.

“It’s okay,” I say, eager to talk to him, but scrambling for the language that a regular therapist would use on such a call. “It’s going to be…an extra charge. For out-of-hours care. Is that acceptable?”

“Sure, fine.” He says.

“Okay. I’ll…process that with the office,” I riff, grimacing, hoping it’s the right response.

“Great. I’m having some trouble,” Victor says, dismissing the money problem off-hand. “My relationship with my mate is becoming even more complicated.”

“Tell me more,” I say, folding my legs and settling in amongst the pile of shoes sitting on the floor, waiting to be sorted.

“I suspect that she is…manipulating me. Lying to me, maybe,” he says. “I can’t have that, not in my life, my line of work.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“I think that she’s…” he sighs, clearly embarrassed. “I think that she’s using s*x to get her way. She knows she has power over me in that sense, and she uses it. The other day we had a…problem. I confronted her about it, determined to get to the truth – but she denied everything, and we went to bed and….”

I know that he’s talking about Amelia and the boys’ kidnapping. “Do you suspect that she is lying? Do you think that she betrayed you?” I push, a little breathless.

“I don’t know,” he says, and I can hear his frustration. “I…I have trouble suspecting that she could do something so cruel. But…if she did, it would be unforgivable.”

“I understand,” I say, nodding. “Well, have you expressed your boundaries? Have you told her that she crosses a line when she…did whatever it is she did?”

He huffs a laugh. “I would imagine that everyone would know that this is unacceptable,” he says and I agree. It crosses pretty much everyone’s boundaries to kidnap their kids. But, I remind myself, I’m not Evelyn. I’m the therapist.

it’s unspoken, others may have a different set of values. These kinds

and I can almost see him nodding along, forming

can trust her, what is this problem really about? If she has not betrayed you, do you

“What do you mean?”

what, really, is the problem with her using the bedroom as a place to persuade

a frustrated laugh. “Because it is manipulative, and it takes advantage of

the same,” I say, intentionally disrupting him, “as moments when you use your Alpha authority to overwhelm her? Or using your money and power to put her in a weaker state so that you get what

silent for a long moment. “That’s not

I ask, pushing him. “For you, it’s the natural order of the world. But for her, it’s a disruption of how she sees the world, how she

admits, “I can see your

I say, continuing carefully, “that you are used to having things your way. When someone is able to persuade you away from your decisions, you feel…well, why don’t you

makes me feel weak. Like I’ve been fooled into letting someone to disrupt the order I need to keep everyone in my pack safe.

to have a weakness,” I say softly. “You’re

“When I have a weakness, people die. As the Alpha

I say, nodding along. “But is it so bad, really, if

“Can you explain?”

sway you?” Something in me screams not to say this to Victor –

weakness,” he says, “it must be addressed

heart? If she is your mate, and you trust her completely, which” I say, carefully, “are not necessarily things that go hand in hand…then perhaps it is not so

can see what you mean. If we are truly united in our vison for our life and our goals…then I can sometimes let her take the lead, trusting that she will get us to the

are the bedroom,” I say softly, working to bring some humor to


you need to consider, though,” I continue, “whether you do trust her.” I grimace here, wondering if I pushed it too far. But I just

about,” Victor says. “Thank you, this has been

hangs up

up in my closet, stretching and wondering if I’ve done the right thing, right for Victor, and for me. I still don’t regret my choice to take these calls. In some ways, I realize, I’m doing the same thing Amelia: wresting

it’s not the same, right? I doing it for both of our goods.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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