Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid by Lisa Salman Chapter 135

15- Looking For Him (Book 2)

As soon as the car came to a halt, I jumped out without waiting for Justin or any of my friends.

“The club casualties…” I began to say, but the receptionist interrupted me, gesturing towards a counter on the right. “Ma’am, you can get all the information you need from there. The patients have been moved to that ward,” she said in a professional tone.

I made my way to the small waiting area of the hospital, where a young doctor was calling out injured people’s names along with the ward numbers while panicked people were gathering around him.

“Sir!” I tried to scream over the chaos, but my voice was drowned out. Unable to stand still, I rushed down the hallway to the said wards.

Adonis! Please don’t you dare die on me! Don’t you fu*cing die, Adonis. If you do, I’ll kill you myself! I swear I will kill you!

I sobbed without realizing it, tears streaming down my face.

I kept looking for him on every bed, in every ward but he was nowhere.

I wanted Justin to take me to the club, but no one was allowed to step foot within. twenty-five feet of the accident place. Even my salon was supposed to be closed for the next few days.

Looking around helplessly, I covered my mouth to stifle my sob and walked back to bump into someone.

“I am sorry,” I said carelessly only to find Justin standing behind me, “Justin?” I held his arms and looked into his eyes.

He shook his head at my silent question. He couldn’t find him either. Ashley and Aniya didn’t know how to console me.

“Mr. Justin Deluca?” A doctor who seemed to be of the same age as Justin, approached us, “Have you checked the wards? Did you go through the lists?”

“I just checked the wards,” I spoke, Couldn’t check the lists because it was too crowded.” He nodded at me and asked a genitor to bring us the lists.

“Here they are,” he handed the file to Justin. I, at once, grabbed it from him and started looking at the names.

The first few pages didn’t have his name.

However, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach when on the next page there was clearly written heading, ‘Declared Dead!”

Handing over the file to Justin, I moved away holding my forehead. I wanted to puke.

“Eve!” Ashley came after me, “Are you feeling sick? Should I take you to the bathroom? Please don’t give up. We will find him.”

to us, love.” I heard Aniya’s

to speak but couldn’t utter a word.

asked me for a chance,” I hugged Ashley, “he wanted

panicked. Maybe I missed

must be there among those patients. The word ‘ Declared Dead’ kept

of the past were

I could not cry. I could not complain

hide the news from

chance to see Elijah’s or Sam’s face. A small part of their body was buried

for Adonis in each ward, checking every bed again, and looking

looking for their loved

felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, and tears continued to stream. down my face. I was desperate for any sign of him, any clue that he was okay. But my hope

Show me a sign. Just like you did to Ash when she asked you. Dear God! I also

some strength from his presence. The poor man was in contact with different doctors in the hospital. He had sent someone to look for other hospitals too. According to his knowledge, all the

even lower, and I felt like I was drowning

standing behind me, reached out to steady me, concern etched across her face. “Eve, do

Aniya came up and wrapped her arms around me, and I clung to her as well. It felt like the only thing holding me together at that moment was their friendship.

DNA.” I tried to remind Aniya who seemed to be breaking apart. No matter how

my tears. “I can’t start

that chance with him, was too much to bear. I felt

face. But the only thing my eyes could manage was

the file. What if I re- check the list too? I asked Justin for the file and took a nearby chair. My heart dropped with every

please, Adonis. Be there.

the pages

making my face wet, “What if he’s not even in

tab. We’ll keep looking, Eve,”

same doctor rushed in, a clipboard in his hand,

sign of him.”

he say morgues? I could never visit Elijah’s morgue.

whose body needs to be detected by using their DNA.”

still trying to give

felt Ashley’s arms. around me, holding me up. “No, no, no,” I repeated

me like a ton of bricks. He was missing, and we had no idea where he was or what had happened to him. All I could do was pray and

Top of Form

called Justin, “Justin! Can you please look for him on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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