Chapter 37 A Pro Bono Chef

However, what Britney hadn’t expected was for Scott to challenge Alexander’s orders after the latter attempted to get Courtney to leave. “I think it’s more likely for Jordan to not need you right now,” Scott uttered in a cold tone as he glanced at Alexander disdainfully. He was hinting Alexander to take his words back.

“I think what Miss Hunter said was perfectly correct. Look at yourself—do you think you look like his father? You drank so much; where were you when Jordan fell off the stairs? You were probably fast asleep on your bed after getting drunk, right? How careless of you.” Scott didn’t hesitate to lecture him in front of Courtney.

Alexander felt guilty to begin with, and he only felt worse upon hearing Scott’s words. He no longer mentioned anything about sending Courtney away. “She can stay if she wants; you can stay if you want too.” He frowned annoyedly.

“Why should I stay here? I’m old now; I don’t have the time to clean up all the messes that you make. I want to live a long life,” the old man scoffed before he called for his butler to send him home. Before he walked out, he sneakily gave an ‘okay’ hand sign to Tina, who winked her eye furiously in return. Now, Mommy can spend some quality time with my future dad!

Once Scott had left, Courtney pulled her chair closer to Jordan’s bed before she gently touched his forehead to measure his temperature. Alexander frowned at this. “He doesn’t even have a fever. What are you touching his forehead for?”


Courtney simply rolled her eyes; she no longer concealed the contempt she felt for the man. “Kids are more prone to getting high fevers when they aren’t feeling well. Furthermore, he might get a fever if he got an infection from the surgery, and things would get worse if he gets pneumonia or other infectious diseases. What do you know?”

His face turned stiff for a moment before he sat himself down on the couch. “You’re saying all that as if you’re a doctor,” he mumbled in a softer tone.


arms and legs to climb up onto his thighs. He didn’t feel repulsed by the young girl’s acts; if anything, he found himself enjoying her company. He lifted her

on her career as a doctor,” Tina explained. She’s such an adorable and innocent girl; I’m sure Courtney must have been lying and bragging about her own career in front of her daughter. It’s time for me to embarrass her this time, he thought as he scoffed. “Well, if I remember correctly, doctors have to formally graduate from a medical school after 7 years of studying there. You can’t become a doctor just because you want to.” Courtney had been exposed for faking her academic qualifications 3 months ago during their interview. She didn’t even graduate from university; how could she dream of becoming a doctor? She’s probably just

didn’t say anything in response. She might have even looked rather dejected. Alexander felt his heart clenching at the sight of this; he no longer found this fun and he quickly swallowed the remaining insults that he had prepared for her. Throughout the night, Courtney stayed by Jordan’s side and made sure that he was comfortable in his sleep. Soon, as her eyelids gradually felt heavier and heavier, she eventually fell asleep by the edge of the bed. By the time she woke up, the sun was pouring in from the window, and her back was

Tina was sitting on top of Alexander’s lap as the both of them played games on their phones. Tina seemed to have gotten into

worked. “You have to do this. Then you have to speed up at this part…” Alexander only noticed Courtney watching them after they gamed for a long while. The gentle smile he had on his face quickly disappeared as

I’m so tired. I have to go; I need to head back to the office and prepare the

too tired.” Alexander was in a good mood after he spent the morning playing games with Tina. All the terrible feelings he had the

promotion if I don’t do my work properly. By the way, President Duncan, let me clarify myself again—I’m working purely for the sake of working, and I came to visit purely because Jordan is a good friend of Tina’s. You aren’t that attractive and wonderful; I’m not trying to

glared at Courtney with his brows knitted. All the gratitude that he had for the woman disappeared instantly. Upon that sight, Tina hurriedly interrupted their conversation before they could


soup for Jordan in the afternoon? It’d be too tiring for me to follow you around, and today’s a Sunday anyway.” Tina barely looked up as she

girl still remembers about the snakehead fish soup, huh? Courtney felt rather speechless then. She was afraid that Alexander would further suspect her intentions if she were to do such kind acts without asking for anything in

my plans, so I can take care of Tina here at the hospital. It’ll be fine. You can go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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