Chapter 2078 A Scolding

Elisa felt the weight of a grown man pulling her downward.

She braced herself firmly, determined not to be dragged down.

The man was taken aback by Elisa’s unexpected move. With his eyes tightly shut, he prepared for the


But the pain he anticipated never came. Slowly, he opened one eye and saw that Elisa had grabbed him.

Elisa had no choice. She was the closest to the man, and she had to make a decision. She could either watch a life slip away before her eyes, along with the company’s reputation being tarnished, or find at way out of this desperate situation.

She took a risk because she had no other option.

The man’s eyes showed no relief from surviving a disaster, only sorrow.

and child are in that person’s hands. I don’t want

preparing himself to pry Elisa’s hand open with

his body began to sway as if he might fall any

now on edge. They hoped that the man could

below united,

up on your own life!”

still so young,

a brighter future ahead. Don’t give up now. Keep

an instant, the tables were

people quickly scolded the bribed laborers

really friends? How can you not care about your friend? Are you

people are just doing it for the

die without even trying to dissuade him? There’s definitely something fishy about these

at play. As they looked at the terrible. situation, the woman, the mastermind, spoke into

turned out that the man didn’t jump off the building, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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