Chapter 9: An Unwelcome Customer


Enzo didn’t seem to recognize me right away with my uniform and my hair pulled back. He came in and sat down at the counter while I was pouring coffee for another customer, which I nearly spilled all over the table out of shock.

My hands trembled as I approached the counter. Was he following me, or was this just a coincidence? Now, more than ever, I regretted ever sleeping with him. Why must he insist on playing with my feelings like this? Couldn’t he just move on to the next girl?

I walked behind the counter and immediately turned my back to him, pretending to fiddle with the coffee

“Hi, Nina.”

So he did recognize me.

I took a deep breath and turned around to face him.

“What are you doing here?”

Enzo looked around and gestured a bit with his hands. “What do you mean? It’s a diner. I’m hungry.”

both know that you could have gone to any other restaurant in town, and you chose this one. Are you following me

his head. “Can I just get a

the laminated menus from

of the back. He was a kind old man named Phil. He

you’re not being rude

I started, but Phil cut me

said. “Enzo Rivers!

smirked, but genuinely smiled for the first time since I met him. He looked handsome when he smiled, and suddenly I had a

his head. “No. She’s just

looked up at me then and winked before hobbling off to go count the

recommend?” Enzo asked. He glanced up from the menu. His brown eyes were captivating, but I tried not to let

him more than I needed to, but Phil was watching and I couldn’t be rude

like the grilled cheese,” I

said, handing back to me. “And some fries.

into a sarcastic smile and snatched the menu away, ignoring Phil’s dissatisfied glare, then retreated to the kitchen to put in Enzo’s

as I carried the plate of hot food back out to the counter. I set it down in front of Enzo, then filled up a glass

said, his mouth full after. taking a bite of grilled cheese. “This is good… Thanks

tables. I always felt Enzo’s eyes on me as I worked, but whenever I turned around, he only seemed to be looking at his phone and his food. It was unsettling to feel like I was being watched, only to find out that I wasn’t being watched at all. I chalked it up to

Enzo was finished, he

god, I thought to myself.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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