I’ve been pacing back and forth in front of the door for the last five minutes. Waking up to find a note on your girlfriend’s pillow instead of her head is not how I wanted to start my morning. Her telling me that she’s gone to the bakery to get us breakfast and that she won’t be gone long, does nothing to soothe the anger building within me. When I finally hear the keys in the lock, I start to try and calm myself down because the last thing | want to do is punish her while I’m full of anger, and she will be punished dearly for this stunt.

The door opens, and I grab her arm, pulling her inside as Islam the door shut. I pull the bakery bag and coffees from her hands, placing them on the table by the door, and then reaching up, I wrap my hand around her slender throat. It’s not enough to hurt her or cut off her air, but it’s enough to shove her against the wall and hold her there.

“Do you know how fucking worried I have been since waking up and finding you gone?” I seethe.

“1-1 left y-you a note, Jace.” She stutters her words, but it’s more out of surprise because she knows that I would never hurt her.

“Yeah, you left me a God damn note! You didn’t wake me, like you should have!”

“I didn’t want to wake you, Jace. You looked so peaceful.”

I scoff, “Until I woke up to find my girlfriend gone and there is still a stalker on the loose!” Sneering, I get right up in her face, “What is it going to take to get you to understand that the danger is not over until we find the bastard who is stalking you? What do I have to do to make you understand, Ella?”

“I’m sorry, Jace, I really am!”

“I’m sorry is not enough to keep you safe, Ella. Why do you think me, Reece, and Gabe follow you around? It’s because we care about what happens to you, but you don’t seem to care about yourself.”


I have no choice but to be your Dom twenty-four seven. I was hoping to wake up

we shower. Now, I have to punish you,

touch you at all until I know you have learned your lesson. Understand this, though, by

“Yes, Sir…”

and choose what plug is the appropriate one to use as punishment. Then, you will bend over the bed, spread

whisper, but

all the love that I can give her, so having o punish her because I love her so much is going to cut me deeply, but

playroom any time too soon. As part of her impending punishment, she will wait in the pose that I told her to wait in while she

too much, so I have to dig deep. It can’t be physical, so I have to try some kind of mental punishment. Humiliation and degradation are the only two that I can come up with, but even with humiliation, I have


all was not something I thought I would need to do. Thank God for taking notes, because once I find them, I start to grin. Not that because I’m going to enjoy doing them, but because there are some things on here that she will definitely not like doing.

kind of a dick

will get the cold shoulder from me. I will not call her by my pet name for her, the one she loves to be

danger, then I’m not exactly sure what I can do to help her. That thought alone scares the shit out of me. So, I’m guessing i Il be going back to being her bully for

been waiting for an hour and a half. I was shooting for two hours, but I’m bored now. When I enter the room, I see that she has done exactly what I told her to do. She’s bent over the bed, her

but I plan on having her wear it most of the day, and I can’t have

I have to punish you, Ella?” There is no emotion to my tone, and she flinches when

she isn’t liking

you up first,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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