Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort chapter 27

Charlotte sprawled onto the ground like a frog. Scratched and cut, her palms and knees were burning in pain.

Behind her, the Aston Martin sped off and left her in the dust.

Charlotte shivered in the cold as she pitifully picked herself up. She then realized she was alone on an elevated bridge.

And her phone had run out of juice.

She was at the brink of collapsing into tears.

Why are all men so cruel!

The boss she met in the day was like that and so was the gigolo at night.

None of the cars that passed by her slowed down.

After being out in the cold for an hour, she managed to stop a taxi. Charlotte quickly stopped it by jumping in front with outstretched arms.

That night, Charlotte caught a cold and slept so soundly that even the alarm couldn’t wake her.

When morning arrived, Mrs. Berry woke her up. As she dragged herself to wash up, her body ached all over.

When Mrs. Berry knew that she had caught a cold, she quickly made her some hot tea.

some cold medicine. He also brought Charlotte a glass of warm water. “Mommy, once you finish breakfast, you

good boy, Robbie.” Charlotte used a tissue to cover her nose. “I got up late today and am running late. Mrs. Berry will take you to

will take

showed that he was eager to shoulder the

work. Instead, take the

helped Charlotte clean

after taking some meds. Don’t worry.” Charlotte kept drinking water as she also

some water,” Ellie

took the empty glass and poured

have prepared for you. You should bring them

put the cold medication into a small

“Thanks Robbie and Ellie.”

her children. They were only three but already

she realized Jamie was



Fifi, who was in a cage. He

without moving. As its eyes darted around, it stretched its neck and tried hard

the middle of the night to check whether Fifi pooped. And this morning, he did the same too,” Mrs. Berry laughed as she related. “Perhaps

Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and looked

your breakfast!” Mrs. Berry called

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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