Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort chapter 21

Zachary was wearing a pair of shades and clad in an off-white casual suit, looking cold and overbearing.

He did not answer Charlotte’s question, but took off the black-gold ring on his index finger instead, before throwing it into the pool. With that same overbearing aura around him, he commanded, “Retrieve it!”

“Huh?” Charlotte was stunned, unable to fathom why Zachary was doing this.

“Mm?” Zachary cocked an arrogant brow.

“Mr. Nacht, have… have I offended you in any way?” Charlotte asked nervously, “If I have done something wrong, I apologize to you!”

“Are you going to retrieve it or not?” Zachary kept things straight and concise.


Charlotte wanted to say something, but she was afraid she might lose her job. Thus, she had no choice but to suppress all her grievances and take off her leather shoes to retrieve his ring from the pool.

The moment she entered the pool, her teeth began chattering from the cold.

It was earlier winter, so the water in the pool was freezing, especially when the wind blew past.

Charlotte shivered, but could only steel herself and lower her head into the water in search for his ring.

Zachary’s lips tugged into

item in a huge swimming pool was basically looking for

After more than

frantically dived below to retrieve it. By the time she

her long hair over her shoulder and wiped the water off her face, yelling

off the ring, making it dazzle beautifully, and her smile looked especially bright

lips curved into a frosty smile as he beckoned

and handed the ring back to him. “Here’s your ring, Mr.

her, and burning desire gradually filled

on, her pure and natural beauty, as well

completely drenched, her white blouse and black skirt hugged her body, displaying

“Mr. Nacht!”

and failed to notice the change

unhurried pace, he left her with a single

watched his retreating back and gnashed her

hell is wrong with this

his ring in and had me retrieve it all just to

ever do

Achoo… achoo…

gust of wind blew past, causing Charlotte to shiver in her

the process of cleaning up the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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