Chapter 209 

“Are you in a bad mood, Mommy?” Archie and Benny looked at her with concern. 

Roxanne was taken aback. She thought she had hidden her emotions well in front of her kids, but they saw right through her ruse. 

“Why did you ask?” she asked nonchalantly, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. 

Archie‘s face creased in bewilderment. “You ignored Essie just now. Did Mr. Farwell annoy you?” 

The slightly unsettled feeling gnawed at the pit of her stomach at the mention of Lucian. 

She must have been really close with him during that period of time for Archie to have misunderstood 

Benny added, “Essie almost cried.” 

Roxanne drew her brows together in a frown, and her heart wrenched as she could only imagine Estella‘s pitiable face without seeing it for herself. 

could apologize

her inclination to cut all ties with Lucian.

with the kids‘ friendship, but she really wanted to limit her contact with

your classes end. I‘ll be busy for the time

and Benny didn‘t get the desired answer and exchanged


She opened her mouth, but she noticed Archie and Benny inside, and the words caught in

Roxanne turned sideways to

a deep breath, holding on to her temper by the thinnest of threads. “I‘ll tell you


press her for answers and invited

upstairs after dinner. “I saw the news yesterday. What was Lucian trying to do?”

question and didn‘t know how

marry Aubree!” Madilyn slapped her hand against the table. “I thought he had turned over a new leaf when he sought you out. I

always known about Lucian and Aubree‘s betrothal, and she didn‘t mind when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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