Chapter 33

Ryan rose with the phone in hand. He walked to the window to answer it. “Yes?”

“sir, there’s news from Sheysea. Two hours ago, Audrey’s foster mother approached the young Frankin heir and was involved in a car accident. She didn’t make it,” Julian reported.

Ryan’s pupils contracted. He gripped the phone tightly. “Understood,” he replied curtly.

After ending the call, he picked up his suit jacket draped over the chair. “I need to leave.”

“Take your time getting to know the third Shaw daughter,” George suggested casually, crossing his legs languidly.

He picked up a chess manual from the table beside him and continued, “The Lambert family will eventually be in your hands. With the Shaw family’s backing, you’ll have a more stable position on the board.”

The subtext was clear. George liked the third Shaw daughter, Cecilia Shaw. Ryan’s feelings were secondary. Ryan knew winning George’s acceptance of Audrey was going to be a long journey.

Wanda, George’s only daughter, was the apple of the Lambert family’s eye. She had suffered terribly at the hands of the Franklin family, which had led to a mental breakdown and multiple suicide


saw every member of the Franklin family as an enemy, including Audrey and her

Wanda, the Lambert family might not have turned

nodded slightly to

nonchalantly, “You’ve felt indebted to Audrey for years because you believe you took her place. I

now leisurely perusing the chess manual by the lamp. He

Xenos, the maid at the Lambert

inviting. “I’ll pack some up for you. The weather has been dry. This is very nourishing.”

to attend to,”

say something else, but Ryan was already

the hurry?” Paige murmured to herself, puzzled. She carried the soup into the study and placed it beside George. She lamented, “He’s too busy

this hour.”


from the chess manual. He chuckled, “It’s probably

asked me to make this for you.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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