Chapter 68

Breakfast was served in the dining hall as I sat there. I looked at my blood-stained hands and sighed. No matter how much I scrubbed them, the blood wouldn't come off of my skin. It was more annoying than anything. It was like every part of that i***t wanted to cling to me in any way that it could. I ate a sausage link and listened to the chatter at our table. Everyone's spirits were up and I heard the happy voice of Trevor. He had been training with Jameson and Ted and was starting to bulk up. His aunt, cousins and his two brothers would be leaving the Kingdom today and he declined to go with them and wanted to receive his training here instead.

Trevor walked over to me and he smiled at me. When he reached me he bowed "Good morning Queen Avalynn."

"Good morning Alpha Trevor." I winked at him and the smile on his face spoke of his happiness.

"Please have a seat and join us?" I offered and he sat across from Everest and myself.

"So, Trevor, how is training going for you?" He looked across at him. I was also eager to know how everything was going too. I had been so busy and so self-consumed with everything.

"It is going well, I believe. Shifting is still very painful but I manage. Apparently, my wolf is larger than normal. Makes sense, I guess you know, just considering my condition of being armless." Trevor frowned. "When is the trial anyway?"

"Well, he almost didn't have one." I said.

"What do you mean?" Trevor looked confused.

"Seems like I need to get control over my magic side before I release hell's furry upon that murderer's head." I took a bite of my gravy-covered biscuit.

"Oh... OH!" He halfway shouted and looked around the room quickly and leaned over whispering "You almost killed him?"

I nodded and so did Everest.

"Sweet!" He seemed pleased. "I wouldn't have cared if you had done it. Well, only the one part that I wanted to watch his life leave his eyes." He shrugged.

"Trevor! Don't think of such horrible things. You should be ashamed!" His aunt gasped in shock.

He laughed at her in an annoyed kind of way. "Sorry auntie, but it is the truth. He killed everyone I loved, other than my younger brothers. My mother and father are dead, my pack is gone. My home is destroyed. Excuse me as I wanted to watch that murderer's life end. Excuse me, as I would like to be the one to end it myself. I will not be ashamed of wanting something to happen to someone who deserves the worse out of life. If you have a problem with it, that is fine, but don't seem shocked when others don't have that same perception of the matter."

She frowned at him, obviously angry at how he spoke to her. I cleared my throat and she looked over at me and she glared. "You ruined his mind and put these dangerous thoughts in his mind."

"Excuse me?" I stood up from the table and glared at her.

and she winced. "You best watch your words. You are speaking to the Queen,"

boy." She tried to

will rip your tongue out." He growled and she whimpered and showed her neck, being submissive to him. It wasn't enough for

murder him and would have murdered his brothers if it wasn't for his quick thinking! Are you that daft that you do not understand something so simple?" I shouted at her and it was quiet

had a glare on her face. I wanted to get to the bottom of things and dipped into her mind. I searched deep in her thoughts and

be nothing but a memory soon. I am sure that is why you are leaving, without your mate... Right?" I

clue.." She started with

everything he had access to in the first damn place! Get your head out of your ass, Bridget, and realize that innocent little girl you remember is a manipulative conniving b***h who wanted what was not hers!" I slammed my fist on the table, causing her to jump. "Say anything else

were crossed and he sighed. He walked over to us

her hatred in the wrong place. She needs to realize actions have consequences. This is her only warning." I looked back at him then. "Thank you for everything you have done for your Kingdom. It will not go unnoticed. I will have our people to help update, renovate, build whatever needs to be fixed or replaced." I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

be with my mate." He returned the smile but I couldn't help but notice the glare he gave

and followed quickly behind her. I sighed and took a sip of my orange juice. She was unbelieveable. After everything everyone has been through, the absolute audacity of that woman. I had hoped that we would never cross paths again. As much as I wished that, with her being a Luna, I knew deep

was pushing into you all. Please go back to enjoying your breakfast." I softly sighed as I cut into my waffle that was coated in maple syrup and


mean for it to come out and over everyone. I am still

do what you have to do. Sorry about Aunt Bridget. I always remember my mother saying she was crazy. Which is why I

own issues, like everyone. We don't know the history

makes sense. I just don't want to be around her. I feel like I wouldn't learn

warriors than Wolf warriors. We can show

I have a meeting to attend. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if anyone needs me, feel free to send a link my way." I leaned down and kissed Everest and pat the top of Trevors' head. "Trevor, if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask

walked to my room, changed into workout clothes, and left the room. I was wearing leggings and a sports bra. I was more comfortable training in this than anything else. I met Miranda in

It helps center me." She looked

have never done that before." I

out of your mind. Listen to the sounds around you and

closed my eyes. I listened to the noises around us. I could hear the buzzing of bees, the gentle breeze moving through the bushes

begin your training?" She

"Yes, please."

or fight instinct. Every person's magic is different. How you use it, for good or for bad, is up to you. Your magic is now pure or white magic. But if it continues to consume you and you are

do I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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