Chapter 12 

The journey to the Northern Territories Kingdom was nearly an all day event. I packed what few decent clothes I had and left the rest at home. Everest told me I was more than welcome to go shopping for anything I would need or want. 

After announcing me as his mate in front of my pack, word spread quickly that the Prince had found his fated mate. It was all over the social media platforms, our photos. Some good comments, bad ones, and occasional thirst from all sides. One comment, however stood out to me “If she was his true mate how come she is left unmarked?” I clicked it and read all the replies, “He’s a Royal she must meet the family.” “She is obviously unworthy.” “Royals mark after the Kings approval.” “Maybe he will reject her so I can have a chance.” “Royals mark one another in a marking ceremony infront of all the Northern Nobel Lycans. He is just following protocol. If you were at the Alpha ceremony you would have obviously witnessed how very smitten they are of one another.” I smiled at the last comment before closing the app out and clicking my phone off. I looked out the window and could see the ground now. The clouds have finally cleared out and we seemed to be flying over a mountain range of some kind. 

I looked over to Everest who had been working nonstop on his laptop. He said he had neglected some paperwork but it was understandable seeing how he found his mate, had issues with a stupid mutt of an Alpha who wasn’t ready, and trying to find out where I had come from. I sat across from him and watched his face. It was cold and hard, his brows gathered together in a serious look as he frowned at the 


“Everything okay?” My head tilted to look down at the granola bar I was fumbling with. 

“Eh, it’s nothing you should really worry with. My father just sent me a shocking email. The King of the Southern territory was murdered and his eldest son nearly died. In his absence, his younger brother is leading the Southern Lycans.” He sent a reassuring smile. 

“Oh. Do they have any leads on who done it?” I took a bite out of my granola bar. 

“No, no one saw it coming. The three were out on a hunt together, got separated that’s when they were found, left for dead. Unfortunately, the King did not make it.” He sighed. 

“I’m sorry.” I offered and he gave a small shrug. “I didn’t really know him. Only met him a handful of times.” He sighed and closed his laptop. 

“Regardless of the situation, I find it odd that the younger brother was left unharmed.” I frowned and moved my attention back to the window. I noticed the mountain range changing slowly as we flew over them. 

“Interesting, the younger sibling, who is older than I, has always resented not being the next in line for being King.” He stood and my attention went to him. “There isn’t much we can do, even if that is true. It is not in our territory. Until it crosses in our lands or the eldest brother reaches out for help, our hands are 


“Oh, well let’s hope that drama stays over there. Whatever happened though is a sad situation any way you look at it.” I sighed. 

indeed.” He sighed and walked off

the plane was huge but he made it seem so small with his height and muscular physique. I over heard him talking to the pilot and my attention drifted to looking outside the

of a bunch of trees. I wondered to myself if that was another pack. It seemed to be the perfect

was caught by Everest as he sat next to me. “The pilot said it should

table too small

border patrol shifts nothing too crazy.”

relaxed into him and sipped on

later our plane touched down and moved along the runway. When it came to a stop we stood and walked over to the open door. As I descended down the stairs I noticed that 4 black SUVs were waiting for us. Our luggage was being placed in the back of one carefully. The men and women who were there stopped and stood still, their heads bowed as we stepped

mates arm snaked around me and he kissed me. “Welcome home. These Lycans here travel with us at all times while we are home. They help ensure our safety in case of


and your mate protected.” He said in a gruff voice. Textended my hand outward to him “Hello I


gave it a gentle squeeze “I am Xander head

smiled at me.

smile to him “Well it is very nice to meet you

one another.” 

nodded his head at me “I am sure

our way to what would now be my

and thick foilage of bushes and other plants. I could feel them, the pack

case.” Everest leaned over, telling me

all its contents. His hand rested on my lap as his thumb caressed my leg. I felt a little better at that so I decided to just

be okay Ava. Nothing to worry about. Besides when we arrive we need to settle in before meeting anyone. I am sure you would like to freshen up in our

called from up front.

annoyed to

on cue my nervousness was back in full force. I blurted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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