Chapter 29 

Thave had my guard up and playing fake these last two weeks that I felt weird relaxing in the car. It was honestly so very exhausting to keep up the act. My eyes were constantly scanning out the windows as we drove. Even though I was with him, I was worried that something bad could still happen. We were on our way to a safe house a few towns over. When we arrived and I walked in, Claire was sitting on the floor with the cutest little girl. 

“Claire!” I was so excited to see her, it felt like it had been so long. In a way I guess it was a long time since we had seen one another. I ran to her as she stood up and our bodies collided in a hug. “And who is this beautiful little girl?” 

“Me? I’m Cassie! You’re very pretty!” She smiled up at me. 

“Well it is so nice to meet you! Thank you for the compliment.” I squatted and gave her a hug too, her tiny arms wrapped around my neck loosely. 

I looked over at Everest and he said “This is Miranda’s niece.” 

“Where is she?” She looked around for her aunt and pouted her lips out when she didnt see her. 

“She was so busy helping people that she got a booboo.” I told her when no one else really knew 

what to say. 

Her mouth opened in a circle as she understood “Ohhh. She gonna be okay, she’s tough.” She walked off and sat on the ground and began to color again. 

We all sat at a table myself, Everest, Josh, Claire, Jameson, and Amber discussing our next move. We all for sure agreed on tightening security around me and every single entrance. Random warriors spread throughout the entire place. Ever entrance needed two Lycan Warriors to stand guard. 

“Avalynn, I have to tell you a few other things as well.” Everest looked over at me with an extremely 

serious look in his eyes. 

“Okay, what is it?” I glanced around the table and heads were down, looking at their hands or just the table we were all sitting around. It was as if they knew what he was going to tell me. I looked back at my mate as he seemed to struggle with what he was about to tell me. 

“We have two people who have been recently moved to the cells at the palace. They were working closely with Dexter and his men. They aided him with some of the detailed information on the passageways used by the royal families and close friends of the Royal family. They both are guilty of murdering the King, my father.” He paused as his head dropped down and my hands went to my mouth in shock and disbelief. 

One of my hands went to his shoulder in comfort as tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t know his father very well but he did welcome me and he made sure I was always comfortable. He helped me better understand my past and where I came from. 

Everest hand rested on mine and I felt for the first time he had this moment to really and truly grieve for the loss of his father. His poor mother was still home alone with the two people who helped in this entire disaster. I wish I could hug her and be there for her as well. I knew what it was like and what it felt like to lose a father. I lost my father when I was still a child but I lost my mother a few years ago. I still feel that pain in my heart and I knew that this was difficult for him. The pad of my thumb rubbed against his 

hand softly. 

He leaned into my arms as I held him tightly to me now. He took a few deep breaths and gathered himself after a few moments. Everyone else excused themselves from the table to go outside and give us privacy. “I will have my revenge for him and for you.” 

He sat back up and looked over at me, “The two people who helped. We both knew who they were.” He paused as he leaned back in his seat. “Sarah got mixed in and went looking for him. She sought Dexter out, thinking if you were out of the picture and gone I would be her mate. So, she fed him information she over heard to him on where you would be, times you would be there. She told him how many guards you 

would have, so he knew how many it would of taken to get you.” 

I listened to him and anger was running rampant through me. My fists balled up and I felt Charlotte’s rage inside me. It was like a fire taking over me. “That b***h!”I slammed my fist into the table hard, it cracking. 

He cleared his throat and I looked up at him as he started talking again “The other one, well you have known him almost your entire life. It was Ryder who killed my father. It was Ryder who wanted to kill you also. He was going to wait until Dexter wasn’t with you. He was going to attempt to kill you and bring your body to me then try to kill me.” 

“How do you know all of this?” I asked him. 

“Miranda told me, the witch who was forced to help because Dexter’s men had Cassie.” He told 


“Oh. Miranda was the witch and that was her niece. I overheard him talking to her on the phone when I faked being sick. He was trying to force her help and threatened Cassie.” I looked over at him. 

He shook his head in disbelief. “She told us the same, I need to confirm this with Brent too. Especially since she is his mate. We never would of known if it wasn’t for Dexter ripping her necklace off that hid her 


“I hope she is okay and will make it through this. She didn’t look so good when he left with her. I hope she is for Cassie’s sake at least.” Everest nodded his head in agreement. Soon the others coming in as he stood and walked off on the phone with Brent. He relayed the story and they chatted for a minute. Claire and Amber distracted me and told me to tell them everything that had happened while I was away. 

I told them everything that happened to me. How I faked being sick and pretended to collapse to stay in the location longer. It working but not the way I had intended and giving myself a severe concussion. 

Everest glaned at me and frowned and I only smiled back at him. 

looked at Cassie “Want to

and see clouds. Oh! can we go on

staying with us for awhile. It looks like Miranda will make it but she’s going to

offered herself and my

Claire Tale 

be an issue.” Josh nodded his

and protect her. Nothing will happen to her while she is in my protection. Especially now that I am Alpha.” Josh

looked at my brother. “Yes, I am now the Alpha.”

him a tight squeeze. “Congratulations brother, what happened to Alpha

is getting everything ready for passing it over fully to me when we get back. He did not feel as if he could do right by the pack and King Everest when going after

“You’re going to be a wonderful Luna, Claire! Very well deserved. The pack is going to flourish with you

me from being slashed but the wounds healed quickly. I sat on the porch with Everest as we waited our turn.

had to go to, to get to me. I continued to replay every single

a few days, which was long enough to take

head off his shoulder. “I forgot to tell you. I ripped someone’s heart out of their back. Well, Charlotte did I guess, even though I wasn’t fully shifted. This was right after they first took me.” watched as his expression went from shock, then a

How did you manage that?” He was genuinely

to the surface when they were chatting and distracted, her racge came on rather quickly. I done what she said and let her take most of the control and boom, rammed our hand into the back of the seat and he was dead. I fought the other guy and hurt him pretty badly but I was drugged again so I

he nodded.

I just did it.” I shrugged my shoulders a bit. “After that he suppressed my lycan with a

end. How did you know?”

did an experiment and only ate pre packaged food.

mention you held your own out there. You had about ten lycans and wolves trying to get to you.” He pulled me into his lap. “Seeing you, your strength, and your abilities to fight with minimal training was impressive. You’re going to be one hell

leaned down and captured his lips with mine for

to him. My arms wrapped around him, hugging him close to me. Our mouths worked together and our tongues

door opened and Amber stick her head out “Shower is free you two.” And I smiled against

him for a moment. “Care to join me in a wonderful shower?” He nodded his head and his hands went right to

to put me down. Cassie is in there and I

vibrated in a low growl of annoyance and then he sighed. “You’re right.” He didn’t put me down instead he moved me quickly into the bridal style. “However, I am still going to carry you. This is just a more appropriate way to do it.” One of my arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned his head to my ear. I felt my cheeks redden as he whispered


Chapter 29 

very exhausting to keep up the act. My eyes were constantly scanning out the windows as we drove. Even though I was with him, I was worried that something bad could still happen. We were on our way to a safe house a few towns over. When we arrived and I walked in, Claire was sitting on the floor with

see her, it felt like it had been so long. In a way I guess it was a long time since we had seen one another. I ran to her as she stood up and our bodies collided in a hug. “And who is this

pretty!” She

is so nice to meet you! Thank you for the compliment.” I squatted and gave her a hug too, her tiny arms

“This is Miranda’s niece.” “Where is she?” She looked around for her aunt and pouted her lips out when she didnt see her.

got a booboo.” I told her when no one else really knew

she understood “Ohhh. She gonna be okay,

the ground and began to color

and Amber discussing our next move. We all for sure agreed on tightening security around me and every single entrance.

tell you a few other things as well.” Everest looked over at

in his

the table and heads were down, looking at their hands or just the table we were all sitting around. It was as if they knew what he was going to tell me. I looked back at

to struggle with what he was about to

Dexter and his men. They aided him with some of the detailed information on the passageways used by the royal families and close friends of the Royal family. They both are guilty of murdering the King, my father.” He paused as his head dropped down and my hands went to my

shock and disbelief. 

to his shoulder in comfort as tears welled

he made sure I was always comfortable. He

where I came from.

this moment to really and truly grieve for the loss of his father. His poor mother was still home alone with the two people who helped in this entire disaster. I wish I could hug her and be there for her as well. I knew what it was like and what it felt like to lose a father. I lost my father when I was still a child but I lost my mother a few years ago. I still feel that pain in my heart and I knew that this was difficult for him. The pad of my thumb rubbed against his

hand softly 

held him tightly to me now. He took a few deep breaths and gathered himself after a few moments. Everyone else excused themselves from the table

mixed in and went looking for him. She sought Dexter out, thinking if you were out of the picture and gone I would

listened to him and anger was running rampant through me. My fists balled up and I felt Charlotte’s rage inside me. It was

as he started talking again “The other one, well you have known him almost your entire life. It was Ryder who killed my father. It was Ryder who wanted to kill you also. He was going to wait

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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