Chapter 27 

Everest POV 

I walked around the front porch, pacing back and forth. One of our scouts, a strong wolf named Jackson from one of the stronger wolf packs, infiltrated the group of Lycans and Rouge Wolves. He was relaying that they entered the human town that we passed through hours ago. They were maybe two 

hours out at the most. 

He was easy to spot in a crowd with his unique black and grey fur that swirled together almost perfectly. He had a heart marking on his back leg and it made him stand out and easy to spot when s**t hits the fan. I kept the link open with him, as he tried to stay close to her. She looks fine and he can feel her Lycan is strong. 

This made me happy, she hasn’t been harmed physically, that he can tell. Mentally is another story, won’t know until we were back together. I swore to myself that I would make sure she was safe and better protected for the rest of her life. 

I kicked myself every moment I spent without her, regretting that I wasn’t with her. I know that I had other duties to tend to and meetings I had that day. Jameson reminded me constantly that I can’t be everywhere and that no matter what, we aren’t a match for a bullet to the brain. Even if this were true, still blamed myself. 

I continued to pace back and forth when Jameson walked out onto the porch. “You okay?” His hands slipped into his pockets as he stood in front of the screen door. 

“I’ll be okay when I lay eyes on her and she is safe in my arms.” I walked over to him and we walked out into the yard. 

“How is Amber?” 

“She is with Miranda and Claire talking strategies on what is going on.” He sat down on the steps. “We are going to get our Queen back Everest and that little piece of crap is going to get what he deserves when this is all said and done. I can still see that you’re blaming yourself. It is written all over your face.” He frowned over at me and shook his head. 

“Yes, he will pay.” I sat next to him. “Does Amber still blame herself?” 

“I think she does.” He sighed. 

“I really wish she wouldn’t. She nearly died herself trying to protect her.” I looked out at the yard. “It is very hard to not blame yourself when you look back and think of things you could have done better. I could of done better Jameson. I could of done more. We knew she thought she saw someone and no one could catch a trail. We, my father and myself, marked it off as her seeing things. Being somewhere new, then we moved rooms. He was there the entire time, watching, waiting, planning He had help from the inside! I am going to rip her head off.” I growled and my fists slammed into the concrete. Probably a good 

porch wasn’t wood or else I would be giving them a new porcn.

around her. He probably knew that and moved then. It is

turned and looked at my long-time best friend. “Thanks

and a half. I am currently running next to the vehicle. She

her. Let me know when you are thirty minutes out or if you all stop.”

silence again in my mind for a moment as I thought of

her soon. 

Get to your positions and be on the lookout. Remember to

sent out a mind link. The mind

of the house. Miranda had

Cassie. I listened in on their

behavior. I have to do some work okay?” Miranda told Cassie. She responded and smiled at her, “Okay. I behave. Then we get ice cream!” She



get us some delicious ice cream.” She kissed her head.

to Josh and Claire as they said their goodbyes to one another. Soon Claire and Cassie were off together into the forest going the opposite direction of the home. We all stood there in silence watching them leave and soon they

them?” Josh looked over to me and Jameson.

of instinct. He wasn’t comfortable answering amthat question. I knew what his answer would of been. The same as what opinion I am about to give him. “If something happens to them you’ll never forgive yourself. Send one or if you want, two even with her. We can spare

looked over

my warriors to trail her. They’ll catch up with her, especially since she’s having to carry Cassie. I’ll see yall, I need to chase Miranda down to tell her too.” He was off, following in the direction

scents. We moved to our proper locations to wait for their arrival. I was high up in a large tree that was close to the house. I imagined this was a onlookers tree where a warrior was on guard, You

leaves and could see right down the drive to the


see the entire grounds from up here, soon Brent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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