Chapter 21 

Stephen POV 

Iran all night only stopping for food, water, and restroom breaks. I made my way to the Southern castle territory lines. When I crossed over the castle territory lines midmorning my presence was known immediately and I was surrounded within a few minutes by several Lycan forces close to the King. I knew had done wrong but Dexter had been my best friend. I warned him and told him I wasn’t comfortable but he ended up getting his way. I shifted back into my human form as to show I am not posing as a threat to 

them or anyone. 

Soon Dexter’s brother, the now king was present. He was angry and I bowed to him knowing if he 

wanted he could kill me right here right now. 

“Rise.” He commanded and I did as he told me. “What are you doing here Stephen?” His voice was 

laced with hatred. 

“King Brent please allow me to give you exactly what you want.” I offered. “What is it that I want?” He countered. 

I inhaled and paused before speaking my loyalty to Dexter holding me back for a moment. Although now that I crossed into the Castle territory it would of been too late “To offer up where your brother Dexter is along with the kidnapping crimes of the future Northern Territorys future Queen and the murder of King Randolph of the Northern Territory. All linking back to Dexter who has killed your father and is attempting an assassination against the now King of the Southern Territory, you, King Brent.” I looked at him and never let my eyes drift from his. I could read every expression that crossed his face. Sadness, shock, and more than the others anger. I heard his breathing change and his fingers clenched and balled into a fist by his side. 

“Very well, come with me. We have many things to discuss it seems.” He responded and I let out a 

breath of air I didn’t know I held in. 

We walked inside the castle walls and inside, making our way into his office. 

“What do you want in return for this information?” King Brent asked as he sat down behind his desk, motioning for me to sit. I sat, gladly my body aching from the overnight and morning run. 

I shrugged my shoulders “Immunity from the crimes your brother forced upon me, being his right hand man and of a higher rank than my own Lycan I was forced to comply. With this I will tell you everything, all of his plans for the future and what he has done.” I crossed my arms over my chest and watched the King contemplate before I broke the silence “And of course hot food and a bed for rest.” 

He nodded and leaned for a pen and a pad of paper. “Very well, let us begin.” 

gave him everything I even threw that girl Sarah and that stupid wolf Ryder under the bus. King Brent wanted names, and I gave them to him. I started from the beginning and led up until this 


“He plans on trying to overtake the Northern Territory after assassinating you and the Northern King.” I leaned back in my seat and watched anger and rage flow through him. 

our father? Tried to kill me?” He slammed his fist

on guard. Where he found them, I do not know. It’s a mixture of Lycans and

you. You may go I have many phone calls to make. Stay close, I am going to need you.” He looked up from his pad

was on the other end picked up and sounded angry as the door shut behind me. I felt a pang of guilt as I walked away from the Kings office. I was met by a small framed woman and led to a room. I walked in and food was set up and a nice bed with an attached restroom

few hours before a knock was on the door. When I opened it, King Brent was on the

are meeting him at our boarders.

I asked.

who murdered King Randolph.”

in a hideout at the beach house, he plans on going back

together with a large amount of warriors by our side and behind us. I was thankful to

Everest POV 

held captive. Sarah had a major role in everything that happened and I was very disappointed in

notifying Alpha Michael that he left. Of course no one thought he would go off the rails like this either. Jamie was now the Luna to Blood Moon and she sincerely apologized to me. She and Alpha Alex offered

I stayed calm. As much as I wanted to rip through everything and everyone I kept my cool. It took everything

phone dinged again and I checked the text, it was

Everest the wolf, Ryder, is currently hiding out at my brother’s Beach Mansion on the coast line. I am

message looking at Alex and Jamie both “I am going


Alex, leave your father to be in charge over here until you are able to return. Stop by Silver Lake, Blood Rose, and White Claw Pack and give them these. I will send

Isn’t that Alpha Michael’s son’s pack?” Alex asked

who only

unfortunately, but his future beta is also my mates brother. People may be torn on who to follow if Alpha Michael does not fall in line.” I responded and followed with an annoyed sigh. “What a mess this is

for support

them what has happened to their future Queen. Thank you, Jamie. I know you and Avalynn didn’t get along.” She held her hand up to stop

it was entirely my fault. My ears were poisoned by the hatred from Ryder. I was too infatuated by his power that I was too blind to see the truth. For that I could never make it better to her or you. I very much deserved that ass whopping she gave me back in Crest Moon. I was an ass. Please excuse me as

in time I am sure.” I

can only hope.” was her response as she disappeared around a corner.

walk back. I had a very tight schedule to keep and he knew had to head off to Crest Moon. We walked to my SUV in silence. We shook hands

to me. 

Alex. I will be in touch.” I told him.

anything else, do not hesitate.” He

Crest Moon. Wolves surrounded us until they got the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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