Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 124 – Three Years Later

My back arched and eyes rolled back as molten pleasure coiled between my legs, increasing with every desperate s****e of Kade’s tongue. My hands were tangled in his hair, tugging him closer while also pushing him away. His snarls vibrated against my slick folds, coaxing unfathomable sounds from my lips. The man ate like he was starving, devouring every inch of my swollen flesh with his lips, tongue, and teeth.

Alec lay beside me, the heavy length of him pressed against my hip as he stroked and played with my tender n*****s. Lavishing kisses down my neck and shoulder. Goosebumps erupted where his light caresses fell, even though the air around us was humid and warm.

Both he and Kade were entranced, feasting on me as they had countless times, only this time-their attention would stray down to my stomach, to the swell of life hidden within my womb.

They were achingly gentle with me. To the point where my core throbbed, begging to be taken until my throat grew hoarse and my legs sore.

“I’m not going to break, you know.” I whimpered for the thousandth time.

It was slow, agonizing torture. Gradually leading up to the moment where I inevitably fell. Shattering again and again, until my limbs trembled, and my body cried out for reprieve.

Both Alec and Kade’s protective instincts shot through the roof the moment they spotted the positive pregnancy test. I had taken a dozen of them, staring opened mouthed in the mirror.

I had been on birth control for years now, but last month I decided to switch to a different brand. There was a one week waiting period, which I was certain we hadn’t missed-but something must’ve gone wrong.

There had never been a time in my life where I imagined myself as a mother. Any time my mind would stray that far ahead–I’d see flashes of my own, a cigarette hanging from her mouth as spat at me not to leave my room.

I hadn’t thought about Melissa much since letting her go, but this sent me reeling back to those years ago. When I had been too frightened and berated to fight back.

My heart shattered and repaired itself when the twin’s found me, scooping me into the safety of their arms. They demolished the gnarled vines of my panic and h****r, letting the sun break through with strength and hope.

‘You’re not her.’ Kade reminded me, the adoration in his voice made me take a shaky breath. ‘You’ve never been her.’

‘It’s your choice, doll. We’d never force something like this on you.’ Alec’s voice was close behind, a soothing melody to Kade’s intense tone. ‘When we decide to have one, our child will be happy and loved.’

‘They’ll never know the things you’ve went through.’ Kade continued, his lips twitching into a soft grin. ‘Not with a mother who can feel their every emotion.’

Neither pestered me for an answer, even though I could feel their minds whirling at the fact that one might be a father. As I drifted in and out of sleep, I could feel their wonder, along with a feather-light touch that swept along my abdomen.

That night, when they thought I was sleeping, I heard the promise they made to one another.

“Everything changes if she decides to keep it.” Alec chuckled incredulously, “I wasn’t afraid of going into battle, not even the first time, but I’m f*****g terrified at the thought of being a father.”

“Things have been changing since our mate k****d Marcus Novak.” Kade’s voice was one of unflinching strength, pouring confidence with every syllable. I turned my face into the pillow when tears flooded my eyes, formed by how strongly Kade believed his words. “She will be the best mother, no matter what point in her life she bears our children. Our children will never know neglect. They’ll never feel unloved or ignored. I actually can’t think of anyone better suited.”

They went quiet for a few moments, and I wondered if they were talking over mind-link. I fought to keep my breathing slow, even with the traitorous tear trailing down my cheek.

For their entire lives, Kade was the rock that refused to break against the harsh current of the ocean. Even though his anger could easily get the best of him, he had always been a steadying presence for Alec-and now myself.

“It doesn’t matter who’s technically the father, you know that right?” Alec broke the silence, his soft voice startling me from the clutches of sleep. “If she wants a DNA test, I’ll agree to it, but it wouldn’t change anything for me.”

used to joke that we were the same soul, split into two different bodies. We’ve shared everything since we were kids, even

teased, and I smiled into the pillow as Kade grumbled. “I’ve never needed a best-friend because I knew no one would understand like you do. No matter what she decides, I’ve never regretted her having you as a mate. She needs both of

chill. I slept without a single dream or monster infested nightmare for the first time in

world I never knew existed, and quickly learned that running from

ever thought possible. Felt more emotion than a single human could bear, but I came out on the other side. The nightmares were a punishment I’d happily pay, to

until a gender was announced. Our pack would celebrate the Luna or Alpha who would someday rule in

was still surreal, to think that I was carrying the future of this pack within

catered to me, treating me with a reverence that was almost religious. At four months, the swell of my stomach was noticeable beneath tight fitting clothes. I had opted for oversized t-shirts that looked far too large on my small form,

a worried mother-hen. Typically, it was Alec who stayed. After a

The team of employee’s I had hired, which ranged from a few high-school students to some college dropouts and even

ultrasound appointment. Out of all the people in my life I surprised with my pregnancy,

real reason for the visit, only that we were hosting an event- one they wouldn’t want to

form fitting shirt. My hair had grown significantly during my pregnancy, and now grazed my lower back. As Kady and Ava had told me numerous times, I was glowing–radiating warmth and life with every

in on my stomach as if there were a flashing sign spelling out his name. His eyes were on my stomach long enough for Kade to growl under

spray.” Zayne snorted. I didn’t

turned into a frizz-ball in humid

was fishing through the trunk, searching through her copious amounts of luggage when she turned to see what Zayne was laughing at. Confusion filled her emerald eyes, as she turned and waved at the twin’s and me. As

smirk on his face as he watched Tori’s

She shrieked off-key, making her mate’s

for a cinnamon scented hug, squealing and jumping as a slew of emotions burst within her like crimson fireworks. If I hadn’t

Thursday, two days after Tori and Zayne

parents worked in. Her dad was the one flitting in and out, asking if I

ultrasound. This time, my stomach was larger, a dome that blocked out my legs and part of my feet. I stifled a

monitor ahead. His hair had just

shifted position.” He nodded to himself, typing a few notes into the computer. He took another look at the screen, and my insides clenched painfully at

her dad. She was in her second year of medical school, her goal to become a prenatal doctor. While that didn’t make

and I struggled to take

took a step towards me, both more tuned into my own emotions and needs than their own. Their eyes were dark pits of concern and helplessness, because this was one battle

let out a laugh, lifting his glasses to get a better look. When he met my eyes,

Aurora, you’re having

passing through countless packs as tales of my mates and I

could be heard. The townspeople had been celebrating all week, keeping bars and restaurants open twenty-four hours as strangers danced on

finally gave birth, I hadn’t truly grasped the fact that my life was once again changing.

my soul-even though I had changed, morphing into the

growing closer to becoming a

never truly knew what

the pain and the tears, the twins were there with me. The blood and gore never once phased them, but the whimpers and cries that left my lips brought them agony they could not end. Whispered

who gazed down at the onyx haired babies with eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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