Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 115 – As soon as the words left my lips, she dug her fingers into my arm, the icy claws of her magic latching onto me instantly. Cold flooded my senses, burning and aching as it sapped what little strength I had.

“Ariana, do I need to inform you that you are violating a direct order?” Zayne drawled in a bored, yet professional tone.

His piercing blue eyes bore holes into her face, but conveyed not an ounce of concern for my well-being. Part of me was terrified that this wasn’t just good acting, that the indifference in his eyes was placed there, built from years of practice.

After a few long seconds, Ariana released me.

I had just a few seconds to wonder if her abilities affected all white wolves the same way, before my legs gave out and I fell to the floor. My head was swimming, a steady drum beat as it throbbed miserably.

“Don’t play boss, Zayne. It certainly doesn’t suit you.” Ariana snickered, sending me a dark look that made me bite back a wicked snarl. Her voice was cruel and self-satisfied. “Besides, I’m a higher rank than you. The Alpha’s son.”

I fought to keep conscious, taking deep breaths whilst listening to the two of them argue. Slowly, the spots faded from my eyes, and I was able to pay more attention to the two of them.

It was becoming more and more clear that the only people Ariana seemed to tolerate were the Hound, and Marcus. Well, I’d say she more than tolerated Marcus, considering how she followed him around; the Assassin to a King.

Even without the feel of her emotions across my skin, I could see the loathing and jealousy written across her face as she glared at Zayne.

“Yes, Ariana. You are his favorite pet.” Zayne stepped forwards, towering over her. She didn’t balk, but I could see the hot coals of rage in her eyes ignite, even if she couldn’t act on those murderous impulses. Zayne’s voice was smooth and emotionless, “But there is one thing we both know; you do not defy a direct order. It doesn’t matter who you are, your screams will sound the same when you’re punished.”

“You wouldn’t f*****g dare.” She hissed, and I swore I could hear her jaw clicking as she clenched it tightly.

“He’s already furious about your…little accident. What do you think he’d do if he found out? Mm, not so tough when you can’t use your magic on a normal wolf.” Zayne’s voice grew low, and he cocked his head to the side as he stared her down. “Oh, don’t look so sullen. Now we’ve both got something on each other.”

I wasn’t sure, but I swore I saw just a flicker of relief in her eyes. I couldn’t help but look at Zayne, and wonder if this was how he had to act all of the time.

Blackmailing each other, constantly at one another’s throats just to survive–to climb up the food chain, knowing that you’ll never be safe, not entirely. Not when Marcus Novak sits above you, each day deciding whether or not you deserve to live. Disappointment and mistakes could sway that choice, two things both humans and werewolves were prone to.

Imperfections; Marcus couldn’t handle imperfections.

I now understood that hardened wall around Zayne’s emotions, constructed to keep him from feeling too deeply. I couldn’t fathom having that kind of restraint, to hold back each tidal wave before it blasted the shore and soaked the sand.

I wondered how many times those waves barreled him down as a child, how many times he had nearly d*****d in his emotions before he finally realized, he was so much better off without them.

“Let’s escort her back to her cell, and be done with the unpleasantness.” Zayne said smoothly, even though there was definitely a ‘for now’, in that statement.

Ariana went silent for a few seconds, her eyes glazing over before she snapped back into reality. The conversation between her and Marcus must’ve been a total of three seconds long, but it was enough to have her glowering down at me.

“Alpha wants me to join the fight. Her little twins are starting fires now. How charming.” She flashed me a grin that was all teeth, like a shark stalking a small fish. I felt a chill work its way down my spine as she continued, “I’ll have to drain you again, just to the point of unconsciousness. Just to keep you weak. Not to worry though, I’ll make it extra painful for you. Now, get the fuckup.”

eyes and silky hair. Even though I already felt like c**p, frustration managed to keep me strong. She was going to hurt me anyway, and enjoy every second. What I

I was back in my cell.” I answered stiffly. My stare

she would, because Ariana was becoming just a tad predictable, she dug

nothing compared to the feel of her actively draining me. Thankfully she wasn’t at the moment, but each step towards

be by your arm.” She warned, and I

upright as she stormed down the hall and back to my padded cell. Zayne followed behind, still leaving me confused as to whether or

Ariana grinned, and the smile would have been sweet if it weren’t for the cruelty in her eyes. I was shoved onto the bed, feeling the sickeningly plush blankets beneath my fingers. The soft touch of fabric was followed by cold skin, and sharp pain. “Hopefully by the time you wake, I’ll have

it only seemed to linger for a few moments. Long enough to dull the pain creeping across my body, making it

and then tripled, showing multiples of Zayne as he stood at the foot of the bed. Once my head was finished swimming, I let out an

indignantly, coming around to the side of the bed. I let out a sound of protest as his hand wrapped around my wrist, more than uncomfortable from the feel of his icy skin. He scoffed under his breath and tugged, “Come on, Aurora.

turning my head enough to glare at

halfway across the bed. When I brought a hand to my mouth, I frowned at the sweet tasting frosting that

his voice flat and impatient. “Marcus means to starve you until

to contemplate the chances of being p******d, because at the taste of the disgustingly sweet food, it snarled and howled for more. I finished off the contents of

a loop. It was a one-time favor from a friend

Are Alec and Kade

and as far as I know, the twins are safe.” He said in a rush, glancing towards the

to help me, Zayne?” I asked after a few seconds of silence, still too drained

a hint of pain in his voice, just a sliver of vulnerability that made my heart drop. His voice was still smooth, though it was much darker

I needed to take a leap. I held it up, letting Zayne get a good look at it. “This was a gift from a friend. It sent out my location to the twin’s yesterday. They’ll be

I wanted to put him in, but this was about finishing what I had started, tending the flame that had erupted into a

He snorted, smiling in a way that made my stomach feel sour. “He left that on you because he assumed it was a gift from your mates. Figured it would motivate you to

my side. It was her loyalty I was sure of, and that was

Was all he said, eyes grim and jaw clenched. He was silent for so long that I thought he might just turn and leave. His eyes flickered towards the door as

was long past flinching at the mention of my powers,

lips, taking away some of that rigidity from his jaw. In two large strides, he stood at the metal door. “Be sure to look sickly once Ariana comes back, or

back onto the bed as Zayne pounded

moved from the bed. Rather than leaning against the door, which

wouldn’t have mentioned feeding off of the guards if the walls had silver within them as well, so I decided to take my chances. If it didn’t work–well, I’d just

around me. I couldn’t hear far, thanks to the reinforced walls and door, but

the flicker of light within their bodies, but slowly they raised to attention. All of my instincts said to take what I need, to tear

deep, I trailed along the surface. Even though the power I received was minimal, it was like a breath of fresh

and I let my head fall back against the wall as pain and agony seeped from my bones, replaced with just a small

them noticing. Eventually they’d grow tired, and if I took too much–d***h would certainly follow. My legs no longer felt like jelly, and the

coldness, I knew I had stopped just in time. I began to hear the sound of the locks

made it to the bed before Ariana strolled in. There was no point in throwing back the blankets, I hadn’t bothered when I passed out the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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