Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 99 – “You can’t, not yet.” Kade hissed, wrapping his arm around my waist to fasten me against his torso.

This was the first I had felt from him since he was taken, and now the bond between us was pulling me forward.

I only stopped squirming when I noticed Tori’s red face, and how she was currently backed up against Zayne Novak. The two of them were flattened against the house. I didn’t miss how his arm was wrapped around his waist, his fingers just an inch above her shirt line. His other hand still rested over her mouth, an attempt to silence her when the guard had come out to investigate. Her heart sounded like a distant helicopter, mirroring the sound of Zayne’s.

“Are you alright?” I asked her, when both Kade and Zayne finally let us go.

“I’m fine.” She huffed under her breath, which was a good enough answer for me at the moment.

“Guys, I got the window open.” Ava’s sudden outburst made me jump, and instinctively place a hand against my chest. Ava sauntered up to the four of us, seemingly clueless to what had just happened. “I got it open while you guys were–busy.”

Zayne went through the window first, before helping Tori and I through. Ava was next, and then Kade.

I was surprised that Zayne could actually get his hands d***y, but that in no way changed my opinion about the man. His styled hair and tailored suits made him seem neat and untouchable. This was the side of Zayne that little got to see, I suspected. The side that got his hands d***y–the side that had helped to free countless white wolves. Zayne Novak wasn’t black or white, but various shades of grey.

He helped the white wolves in his father’s clutches, the ones that would go unnoticed. He even helped Naveah and Isaac escape with their child, something Marcus was bound to notice. Yet, even with those good deeds, he remains at his father’s side. I’ll always be a bit biased though, considering he rejected my best-friend.

The bathroom we currently stood in was small. It fit the five of us, but just barely. The tile on the floor was cracked, and the toilet stained from years of dust and grime.

“There’s three in the living room.” Zayne murmured to us, wedging the door open just a millimeter. “You’ll have one chance before they rush you, Ava.”

“I got this.” Ava nodded confidently, plucking the headphone from her ear to wrap the chord around her neck.

Just as Ava maneuvered through the small bathroom to the door, Zayne leaned in close. It was impossible not to hear what he was telling her, though I knew the words weren’t meant for our ears.

“Do not s***w up and leave me to tell your parents they lost another kid.” He said, his voice hard but not cruel.

Ava gave him a long look before nodding. She then gripped the doorknob in her hand, her knuckles white around the tarnished metal. She inched the bathroom door open and slid outside. Melted into the hard planes of Kade’s torso, I peered through the slim crack in the door.

a few plastic plates with half-eaten pizza on them, all of which looked at least a day old. A small television in the corner of the room played an old football rerun. All three of

the men sat. The speaker chatting away on the tv was the only

could tell the moment the men registered her scent, and knew that someone had broken into the house. One by one, they all

anticipated that, and flung her arms

Three thuds sounded as the two slumped from their

them?” I

in the world of werewolves, violence still surprised me. I tried not to think of what I had done to Desmond, and instead

job. Clearly, he had some faith in her. “Ava’s young, so her abilities are still growing. All we know is they have something to do with the mind. She’s able to knock just about anyone out for at least half an

all three men were face first into the

unconscious men with the tip of

be more in here.” Zayne warned her, scowling at the man on the floor. “Let’s hope they thought nothing of

of us to step out

moldy kitchen with its leaking roof, and the dining room the guards used as a sleeping area. Once we were positive there were no more guards on the

some strange protective side of him, or if he truly didn’t feel like telling her

a bit strange. I figured that shower was a blessing. Nothing like being stuck in a rundown

stay posted at the bathroom while you guys keep going. Make sure there’s no more guards then come back for this one.” Tori suggested with a shrug, “I’ll let you guys know if he gets out, but with the rate that water’s coming out, I’d be surprised if he finished

of Kade’s eyes, there was a certain disappointment there. Even with Kade’s abrasive personality, he likes Tori. She was practically impossible not to get along with. To see his mate’s best-friend suffering from such a shithead, it didn’t settle well with any of

Kade told Zayne, his gravelly voice even

soon Kade wouldn’t hold back from getting his hands on Zayne. Zayne seemed to sense the same thing, but refused

eyes darkened to that of stormy skies, where Kade’s hardened to onyx. Tori seemed to sense the same thing as I, even without

moment for this conversation.” I snapped at the two of them, not bothering to tell either one to let it go. They were both too stubborn to drop their absolute hatred of one another. I turned and locked eyes with a seething Kade, which would have been terrifying if I knew he wouldn’t ever harm me. “We need to find

simply retreated, still burning within the depths of him. For now, though, his

Kade grunted, placing a gentle hand at my back as we left Tori and

voices further down the hall and in one

right turn. At the end of that hallway was a door, with four men sitting around it. Another fold out plastic table had been set up, with beer cans and

would believe we’d never find this place. It technically existed under the name of Desmond Deville, who was rotting wherever Jaspar Fox had put him. The thought still churned my stomach, a side effect I wasn’t sure would ever fade. If it weren’t for Zayne’s information, would we ever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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