Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 96 – The entire room erupted in chaos. People on all sides shouted angrily, screaming obscenities and threats. They called me a monster–a beast that needed to be put down. Their words bounced off me, but their acid-stained emotions burned and slashed at me. There were some who did not join in on the chaos, the golden-haired couple being two who remained quiet and stoic during this charade.

While horrible things were said, and d***h threats were thrown like spit from their bared teeth. The guards that lingered around the room were on alert, emerging from their places hidden amongst the crowd. They came out one by one, blending in with the people around them.

I was genuinely surprised when each guard came to the center of the room. They stood around the High Table and the section containing my family. I knew the High Table would be first priority in a situation like this, but I hadn’t expected my family and I to be included.

During the chaos, Nico Deville chose his moment to arrive. The oak doors that served as the main entrance were flung open, but that did very little to calm the manic witnesses.

Sitting above it all, staring down at the chaos like an unruly g*d, was Marcus Novak.

He did not intervene, where he certainly could have. These people would listen to him, they would quiet for him. He remained sitting, poised and serene as he watched the unfolding chaos.

It was Jaspar Fox who stood, slamming his hands on the table in front of him so hard that the witnesses who had been pressing forward, flinched back.

Even I took a step back as Jaspar’s emotions registered with me. My skin erupted in flame–searing hot as though it were real. His irritation and anger washed over me, just as his eyes met my own. They were not pained, nor were they haunted. They were frustrated and pissed off.

As his eyes met mine, I could feel him suppressing those emotions, purposefully trying to dampen them. Perhaps he knew the strength of his own emotions. I was beginning to think that Jaspar Fox must be much more than what he seems.

“Enough.” His voice was whisper silent, but each and every one of us could hear him. There was another whisper or two from across the room, so quiet I had nearly missed it, but Jaspar Fox did not. He lifted his head, and his eyes scanned the room. Thick chords of muscle moved beneath his leather jacket as he searched with his eyes. His lips twitched, and I knew he found the two poor individuals he was looking for. He speared them with his eyes, and both of the middle-aged males went completely still. “I said enough.”

The entire room was quiet now, hardly breathing as nearly all of us cowered. Kade, of all people, happened to be intrigued at Jaspar’s outburst.

I could hear several sighs of relief when Jaspar slowly lowered himself to his seat.

I could still feel the remnants of his anger, like a harsh sunburn that I knew would peel. While I wanted to meet his eyes and thank him for quieting the room, my attention was caught on Nico Deville.

Perhaps it was Desmond’s genes, but Nico was a near replica of his father. The only singular difference was his eyes. Nico had the auburn hair and stocky build of his father, but his eyes were hazel in color. The green and golden tones seemed to show more, brought out by his tanned skin.

I wasn’t the only one with my attention on Nico Deville. I could feel much more than I wanted to, and questioned how desperate some of these women truly were.

I knew the type of person Nico Deville was the moment his emotions registered in my mind. He was confident, satisfied, and utterly above it all. He sauntered into the room, basking in the attention while also managing to look cool and confident.

Nico walked to the center of the room, but turned and met my eyes. It was only a second or two glance, but the damage had been done. Desmond’s wrinkled body flashed behind my eyes, along with the two others at his side. I swallowed my guilt, even though it felt like a golf ball traveling down my throat.

Nico approached the raised platform the High Table sat at, and greeted each of the men. Marcus played the part as respectful businessman, Brayton was polite and a bit robotic, Jaspar was uninterested and unimpressed, and Sebastion was still furious enough to spit h**l-fire from his nose.

“It seems things became quite heated.” Nico Deville commented with a haughty smirk. In no way, shape, or form did I miss the snarl that sounded from Sebastian’s lips, nor the way his emotions turned dark and murderous. I wasn’t sure whether or not Nico was speaking of Sebastion’s furious expression, or the crowd that had once been shouting obscenities.

“Yes, well it’s in our nature, is it not?” Marcus asked, his eyes narrowing just the smallest of amounts. Nico Deville was far too much like his father, without the brains to back himself up. Marcus stood, and the entirety of the crowd’s attention moved from Nico to Marcus. Nico seemed to realize that, and had a few mixed emotions bubbling to the surface. “Nico Deville, eldest son of Desmond, will now temporarily take seat at the High Table.”

Once all five men were seated, Nico began to speak.

“My father feels the same as many of you.” He began, addressing the crowd before turning his eyes on me. His eyes were pretty, earthy like bark and moss. It was his attitude that made my eyebrows inch closer and closer together. “This she-wolf, we know so little about her. Facts are easy to come by, but who is this girl? Can she handle a power that brings all men to their knees? My father has served as warrior and protector of his pack for a decade now, and will continue to protect us, even if those battles might take place in the future.”

With every emotion of his that passed through me, my stomach dropped a little further. Nico Deville was very much not on our side, and I highly doubted he would be changing his mind anytime soon.

If I hadn’t been stunned silent by Nico’s greedy and power-hungry emotions, I would’ve missed the man that swept through the crowd. He was dressed casually, in a black button down and slacks. His hair was dark and just a little curly on the sides where it protruded from a dark cap on his head. He was dressed near identical to the other security guards, but I was certain he wasn’t a guard himself.

There was nothing special about this man, and I had almost looked away–almost.

Just as I turned my eyes, I noticed him veering to the left, towards where the High Table members sat. The stranger, fast as lightning, approached Marcus Novak and dropped a notecard onto the table in front of him.

The split-second Marcus’s head was turned, was all it took for the man to slip back into the crowd. I tried to follow him with my eyes, but lost sight as a few seconds passed.

Naturally, I was a bit curious. I watched as Marcus finished saying something to Nico, and happened to glance down at his hands.

It could’ve just been a note, or some kind of reminder, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the man wasn’t a security guard. He had moved so fast; he did not want to be caught.

Marcus eyed the paper for just a second before slipping it into his hands. I had to give it to him, he was a natural. He smiled and nodded, replying to something Brayton had asked without skipping a beat. His eyes darted down for three seconds before flickering back to the crowded room.

I could feel the moment those mystery words registered, because that perfectly carved stone that encased Marcus Novak–it cracked. I could see it in the way his eyes flared, and his fingers twitched idly. From his voice and demeanor alone, you’d never be able to tell that this beast had nearly broken free from its cage. The note card was in his pocket before anyone could notice, and would soon be destroyed.

Marcus stood and addressed the crowd, quieting any murmurs or whispers. His movements were slow, but I knew he was only trying to seem relaxed. While he was an expert at keeping his emotions under wraps, that crack was giving me a glance inside of him. While I couldn’t feel any of his other emotions, I could tell that he was impatient. Marcus Novak was in a hurry to leave.

“The duties of an Alpha are never ending, and often not nearly as entertaining as one might hope.” Marcus sighed to the crowd, who gave little chitters of laughter, like he had cracked a joke of some sort. I had to stifle my own laugh when Kade rolled his eyes. “I have business calling me away at the moment. While it is urgent, it will not keep me from our final meeting tomorrow, where we hope to bring this issue to its end. Perhaps, Desmond Deville will return when I do. Until then, this meeting is adjourned.”

“What was on that notecard that made him scurry out of here so fast?” Kade whispered low in my ear as we followed his parents out of the council room.

The council room let out into a large foyer. A crystal chandelier half the size of a car, hung from the ceiling. There were four elevators on both the left and right side of the room. Many of the witnesses here were Alpha’s and Luna’s, which meant sharing an elevator with others you don’t know, not always the safest move. Many of the witnesses were heading down to the restaurant within the hotel, while some others were planning a trip to the bar down the street.

was taken, we both quickly turned serious. “I have no clue what it could’ve said. Whatever it was, it caused a crack in his self-control. He’s able to manage his emotions so well, I can’t even detect them. This crack, it let me see

grunted, “Information is never a bad thing, and it might be worth knowing

I replied with a shrug, but then thought of Zayne. “Or

something else caught my attention. The golden-haired Alpha and Luna were emerging from the council room, their four guards trailing alongside

to talk to those people.” I mumbled to Kade, pushing past him

like the sun that would inevitably break through the storm that darkened

few more feet forward. I kept enough distance not to be

turned around first; her eyes narrowed into slits until she realized who I was. Her glare turned into a look of surprise, then one of anticipation. It was strange to

with a delicately accented voice. The tone of her words, they were warm, but held the potential to set the world on fire.

about this, sweetheart?” Kade asked low enough for only

the button on one of the elevators. I had only a few moments to decide before those doors opened, letting in the two people who actually seemed to see

to them.” I grinned a bit sheepishly

their domain, but you cannot extend that courtesy to us?” The man remarked in a sour tone. His emotions pointed more towards offence than

The woman frowned at her mate and patted his hand with her own. “She is wise for trusting only those she brought at her side.

as the eight of us stepped into the elevator. He swiped his key against the pad, which allowed us to travel to their respective floor. These elevators were larger than your normal ones, and fit us

bit better to know that I wasn’t receiving any special treatment while

us. She wandered into the kitchen and pulled out two wine glasses. Her seafoam eyes would occasionally dart to where Kade and I stood as she

Kade asked her,

“The High Table are children, children who fight over every shiny toy they come across. They have destroyed packs, families, and lives in pursuit of the newest thing. Then they shove platitudes of preserving our species in your gullet until

Mera sighed, running her fingers through Isaiah’s close-cropped hair. Some of the tension faded from his shoulders, and I instinctively sought out

Table, were you speaking from personal experience?” I asked a bit boldly,

eyes on me. They were weighing what they should tell me–what

them could read

in my chest. No one should have to prove their

chip away as he saw the same light burning in my eyes that also burned in his. “The High Table was once just. It was a time we truly

her mate, “There are still just as many of you now–but you know what happens

seeing the approval in her eyes. She was weighing how much I knew, while giving me some information of their own. It was a give and take, I realized. We were trusting one another, getting to know one another. Was this how alliances were

ignorant like many of our kind.” Mera spat, looking truly angry for the first time. “He hides behind his smiles and pretty

wife has more reason than most to despise Marcus Novak.” Isaiah frowned, taking Mera’s hand in his own and tugging her until she conceded and sat beside

was a long time ago; much has changed since then. Much has gotten worse since then.” Mera sighed, leveling her gaze on my own. “You want to fight against

this, Mera?” Isaiah asked, his eyes flickering over to Kade and I. His voice went a little quieter as he talked, even though Kade and I could still hear every word he said. “You do not need to reopen these wounds for them. I will

always protected me.” Mera smiled fondly at her mate, placing her hands on either side of his face. Isaiah looked older now, no longer his early twenties as he stared at the woman who had become his entire world. “There are times

even now, I cannot

until they are all free.” Mera said softly, and Isaiah nodded, as though he

solely reserved for Mera,

fall. “Our pack was large, and sometimes gained the attention of the High Table, but never had they visited before. My

for eight years. Those first two, he had occupied the third seat.” Isaiah chimed in, crossing one leg over his

fishy feeling I got. “How’d he

very hard. You have to make your own pack and land larger, which means picking off smaller packs. You have to be careful when doing that. A lot of those

fall back asleep. One night, she didn’t. She started speaking, saying these strange things that made no sense. We hadn’t realized she was an oracle, and that this was her white wolf ability manifesting itself. After a few years, she actually got the hang of it. The last time I saw my sister was when she was thirteen,

for a moment. The ability seemed like a taxing one, but it sounded nice to be called an “oracle” and not a “soul-eater”. Nothing says run in the other direction like being called a

a look of longing on her face.

Sabine meant her?” Isaiah

will honor her request to completion.” Mera nodded, her voice stern and true as she

you anywhere, Mera.” Isaiah nodded, letting her

Tears were pouring down her cheeks, and her heart was racing fast enough to frighten me. She was sobbing, speaking of some b****y battle. I grabbed her shoulders, and I screamed her name. I screamed and screamed until my voice went hoarse. Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up from the bed in a start.” Mera shuddered, “She told me, ‘When you meet the girl with

of water and earth.” I scoffed, turning my face towards a golden mirror that sat

unable to believe that some child years ago had seen anything to do with me. I really, really wanted to believe I wasn’t the girl she had been talking

fight with my mates and pack, and

his voice firm and resolute. He was not the type of man to run from his problems, but the type to embrace the pain and charge forward. “There are always lives lost when change comes to the world. It is horrible and b****y,

had been there all

save generations of children from being hunted, enslaved, and used for their abilities. White wolves will fill the world again, and we will allow them to live the way they see fit.” I told both

wolves, even when we have to stomach the insanity of the High Table.” Isaiah growled, “Our

do not wish for war, but we are less hopeful.” Mera smiled softly, “Years spent under the High Table’s thumb, watching Marcus become more and more powerful. He will never

a little more hope. We had stayed for another half hour, talking with Isaiah and Mera. I told them of how I met the twins, and Mera explained how she had run into Isaiah when he was a young Alpha. We were still strangers by all accounts, but Mera was the kind of person you wanted to trust. She was wholeheartedly honest, brutal, and completely savage when it came to

to sleep after that, especially with everything that’s going on tonight.” I sighed, leaning back against Kade’s chest. “Do you think Zayne will really let Alec free if his wolves get out

long before. It’s not how it is with normal siblings. We’ve never fought before, and neither of us feel any need to spend time

but I refused to sit here crying about it. That’s not what a werewolf would do, and it’s certainly

Kade opened the front door while

I wouldn’t be able to sleep regardless. Tonight, we would find out if our plan to transport Zayne’s white wolf friends worked or not. The thought that I might

impeccably dressed, and carried that same snooty air about him. While I didn’t completely despise Garrett anymore, we were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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