Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 84 – Our relaxing weekend came to an abrupt halt just a few hours later. We were up at the crack of dawn, preparing for the trip. The twins had planned ahead, and already had a suitcase packed for each of us.

Alec had this uncanny ability to pop right out of bed and head for the shower. Kade trudged down to the kitchen on my heels, following the scent of caffeine. Two cups later, I no longer felt so cold and bleary. I left Kade in the kitchen to finish his own, and joined Alec in the shower.

“You nervous, doll?” Alec asked me, kneading the shampoo into my scalp while I leaned helplessly against him.
“Mm, just a bit.” I replied, sighing when he stopped to let me rinse. My throat clenched momentarily, the words heavy. “I don’t want anyone d***g for me.”

Alec knew what I was talking about. They had also thought of the worst possible outcomes and what they might mean for us. War was a very strong possibility.

“I think it’s more than that now. It’s not only about keeping you safe. We could actually change things now.” Alec replied softly, massaging some conditioner into the ends of my hair. “White wolves have been hunted and possibly enslaved for hundreds of years. There’s never been a pack big enough to make a difference against the High Table. If war were to come, the deaths would not sit on your shoulders.”

Alec was right, but that didn’t change the loss—the lives that would be snuffed out. I had gone from worrying about my next meal to the threat of oncoming war.

“You’re right, things do need to change.” I nodded, thinking of the white wolves that were kept alive. I had more questions than answers, but knew that a life in slavery is not a life at all. No matter how they were being treated, they deserved control over their lives. “We’ll do everything we can do avoid war though, right?”

“Of course we will.” Alec snorted, swatting my fingers away as I started scratching the healing mark on my neck. The two marks already had a thin film of skin on them, and a dark pattern beneath it’s surface. They were sensitive to the touch, mostly the twin’s touches, and were horribly itchy. Alec held my fingers in his grip and shook his head, “Don’t scratch them, doll.”

An hour later we were out the door, nestled in the sedan that had brought us to the cabin. I grumbled a bit over my plain breakfast. A few protein bars and an apple. Two days of the twin’s extravagant breakfasts had me hooked. They were making me spoiled and I didn’t have the care to stop it.

“What’s the plan again?” I asked for what was possibly the seventh time.

I wanted to memorize every step, every delay from here to there. Maybe I wanted some semblance of control, especially now that my rights were quite literally in the process of being taken away.

“You’re worrying.” Alec frowned, locking eyes with Kade through the rearview mirror.

Before I had time to respond, Alec was unhooking my seatbelt and pulling me into the back. I landed on his lap with a squeal and blushed as his member stirred beneath me.

my emotions. The marks weren’t healed yet,

them had been incredibly attentive this morning, influenced by the pull of my emotions. If I were feeling frustrated or angry, one of the

my torso and held me close while

Once we hit neutral territory, we’ll meet up with Tori and the security detail. Our parents, Julian, and Garrett will be traveling with another security party an hour or two back.” Kade spoke, his eyes glued to the road. His next words were what I was really worried

fighting grounds for werewolves’ wars. No Alpha wanted to damage their own land in the middle of war, so why not use unoccupied

dangerous. We have no choice but to rest there tonight. We’ll keep it short and safe. We’ve purchased an entire floor of the hotel, and there will be guards posted at every stairwell and elevator.”

would werewolves need bounty hunters?” I asked Alec, settling into the heat of

by one of my twins. The

High Table. Sometimes important werewolves escape by moving into neutral territory. They can live undetected as a rogue.” Alec murmured, becoming distracted as he traced the edges of my lips

in my mind when Alec brought his lips down on my own. The rough pads of his fingers pressed into my face as he held my jaw, leaving

easy to work you up, doll.” Alec mumbled against my lips, pulling

petals. I swallowed thickly and pulled myself together. Locking eyes with Kade through the rear-view mirror, I grinned sheepishly. “Sorry,

nodded, “You have three hours, then you’re


happening, not for either of you.” I snorted, sliding off Alec’s lap and

and crumbled. I would’ve thought having s*x in a car would be more awkward, more clumsy than normal. There was something arousing about teasing

gas station so the twins could switch places. Kade practically tackled me, laying me back on the seats of the sedan. The heavily tinted windows provided all of the privacy we needed, though Alec had a front row

take my mind off of things.”

and backside were a testament to how long we had been driving. The twin’s seemed to have an

utterly silent. It was almost dark now, and each shadow on the shoulder of the road spooked me. I saw assassins in the dark,

the head of our security team and remained on the phone with

improved version. Cars filled the regular lots, and semi-trucks filled the remaining spaces. The abandoned truck stop we parked

out sedans in the parking lot. We all sat near one another, and I nearly jumped from the vehicle when I saw a flash of red

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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