Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 3 – “And you’re sure you don’t mind?” I sighed, looking at Tori with shameful eyes.

Tori scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Of course not. We work the same days anyway, I’d just have to come in thirty minutes early.” Tori shrugged.

When Tori found out I planned to walk thirty minutes to and from work, she insisted to giving me a ride everyday. I wasn’t used to people wanting to help me, so the gesture made me feel like c**p.

“Let me at least give you gas money every week.” I frowned, fidgeting with the tight uniform we were forced to wear.

While my Saturday was spent completing the project Alec and Kade refused to do, today was Sunday and my first day of work.

The first half of the day was rather slow, but the people in this town seemed to tip well. I seemed to fare well, only spilling things on myself rather than everyone else.

I was thankful the uniforms consisted of a black tshirt with the restaurants logo and a pair of tight black slacks. All of my spills were unnoticeable on the black shirt. My chocolate hair cascaded in waves down my back.

Tori and I stepped back inside the restaurant, our thirty minute break had just ended.

I peeked my head from the kitchen doors and looked out at the restaurant. It was around 5 p.m. and there were a lot more people coming in the front door. My shift ended in two hours and I was counting the minutes until I could fall right into bed.

My heart nearly stopped when Kade and Alec came through the doors with Grace and another beautiful girl. I felt a strange sharp pain radiate through me at the sight of them with two girls, but I shoved that deep down. Now wasn’t the time for my stupid conflicting feelings. They approached the hostess and I audibly groaned when she placed them in my section.

Kade and Alec looked even more delectable outside of school. Kade wore a black sweater rolled up to his elbows, a pair of dark jeans, and some black boots. Alec wore nearly the same thing, but he had a leather jacket thrown on top. I caught myself gawking at them and scolded myself. The last thing I needed was to go all doe eyed and play right into their game.

I watched in confusion when Kade’s eyes scanned the room, stopping when he noticed my head peeking out from the kitchen doors. A smirk formed on his perfectly chiseled face when he caught my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Tori frowned, peeking out the door.

I sighed, “Kade and Alec of course.”

“I don’t know what you did to get on their radar, but I feel for you.” Tori shook her head with a sad chuckle.

I grimaced down at my hands, “I didn’t do anything. I ran into them one time by mistake and they decided to make my life h**l.”

“I’d tell you to go to the principal but they seem to have everyone wrapped around their fingers.” Tori frowned at me.

I sighed and quit complaining. They wanted a reaction and I refused to give them one. I wasn’t interested in playing their games. All I needed was to hold out until I turned eighteen next February and I would be out of this little town.

“Do you want me to wait on them?” Tori asked.

shook my head, “Nah, they’ll never let

and chuckled when Tori gave me two thumbs


four of their eyes on me as I

on my face and kept my eyes on the girls. I wanted to look at the twin’s

your server today.” I nearly grimaced as Grace shot me with a sneer. “Can I get you anything to

haired girl snickered, causing Grace

place and stared at

sighed, “But I’m going to need something a lot stronger if I have to look

colored eyes? Rare yes, freaky no. Having one brown eye and one blue

couldn’t help but glance at Kade and Alec, almost grimacing at the stupid smirks

twin’s ordered sodas, while the girls ordered water. I practically ran from the table and helped two others in my section. Finally, I rushed to the back to grab them

I was stopped by Tori and one of the cooks,

frown playing on her lips as

my eyes, “Always pleasant when

Kyle appeared beside me and draped his arm over my shoulder. I felt myself stiffen. Kyle was one of those guys who flirts with every girl he sees and has absolutely no concept regarding

the number of times Tori had to tell him to get away from her in one afternoon. I never thought I’d be on the

definitely attractive. He had sun kissed hair that swooped across his head in a superman type hairstyle. His nose was sharp and spattered

your grubby hands all over everyone?” Tori

smirked and tightened his arm around my shoulders, and I could feel

alright.” I swatted him away, feeling much too warm at the

to the kitchen,

bouncy girls

when I lived with grandma, and when I moved in

for you, huh?” Tori shook her

“Seems like

to still my breath as I approached their table. I

went to set Kade’s drink down, his hand flicked forward at the same exact second. The glass of soda tumbled over, spilling onto

formed on his full lips. His dark

as polite as possible. “I’ll clean

pulled out a rag and mopped the soda up. I

get close to Kade to clean that. Much closer than I

gave me a sly smirk and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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