Chapter 142 Go to Branton Family alone

In the State of New York.

In Branton Family.

Everyone came one after another.

Lester and Sara also arrived.

They heard that Carlos’s car was smashed, and the other party also said that he would come to their house tonight, so they rushed back to the base camp.

‘Let’s see who is so bold!’

After listening to his son’s description,Barron flew into a rage, “what an arrogant boy! I’d like to see how he took your legs and feet in front of our family!”

Carlos said, “Dad, judging from the power of that boy smashing the roof, he should be a martial artist. Should we ask Uncle Tristan for help?”

Barron shook his head and said, “in order to get you out, he has already helped a lot. I’m sorry to bother him this time. Go to find Alan. He is always greedy. Give him some money and invite him to

come here.”

Carlos hesitated for a moment and said, “but I heard that Alan’s arm seemed to be cut off a few

days ago.”


Barron snorted, “as long as Alan’s strength is there, even if one of his arms is broken, so what? As you just said, that kid is only in his twenties, how can he be strong? Ask Alan to come over and deal

with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

Carlos nodded and immediately set out to find Alan. He sneered in his heart, John, I’d like to see

you cripple

the members of Branton

the hell is he? How dare he

head and said, “how could I


The night fell.

in Branton Family was waiting quietly, but when eight o’clock in the evening, there was still

said, “did he say that on

thought it was

also said that he would take off Carlos’s legs in front of everyone in the family. What was the difference from

Branton Family clan thought that Carlos

come or not, I have accepted the reward and can’t return it to you. Besides,

martial artist was still there, and his words made the

it! What the hell

soon as

guards rushed in and said,


“It must be that

him die here!”

and Sara’s heart skipped a beat, and they had a bad

“Could it be… John?”

to see John that day, they had already known that there was a grudge between them, but

that a young man rode a bike to come here, the first person they

was John.

out of the gate. When he saw

It was indeed John.

at Carlos and other people and became

A moment later.


and shouted anxiously

low position in Branton Family, and he couldn’t even say a word in usual. It could be said that he had used a lot

useless son-in-law today? I think he doesn’t want to stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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