Chapter 35: A Wild Guess My whole body tenses up immediately at his words.

About Eason? Why?

Did he find out about us???

Now that I think of it, we aren’t very careful about hiding our tracks. There is evidence everywhere: like yesterday, like that one time in the restaurant with my mom…

I gulp and force out a smile, trying to sweep it under the rug, “but they are still waiting for us outside. Maybe some other time-”

I want to escape the scene so bad.

But before I can stand up, Alex puts his hand on my shoulder and forces me back. I’ve never seen him like this before. “You will want to hear this Nat,” he says sternly. I gulp as cold sweat starts to form on my forehead. Oh god, he is definitely on to us. What’s he going to say? Is he going to judge me for sleeping with my stepbrother? Is he going to tell my parents, my friends or everyone at school? If I beg him, will he keep the secret? My mind is a mess when suddenly I hear Alex says

“I think Eason is plotting something against you.” I blink and stare at him blankly, as my mind processing his words.

A moment of silence later, I burst into laughter.

“What Eason?” I wave my hand laughing. “No…you must be mistaken.”

His brow furrows. Apparently, he’s not so pleased about my reaction.

“Nat, hear me out, ok?” he puts both of his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face him, his eyes flashing brightly. “Your brother-well, stepbrother-is not a very good person. I’m not saying this to make him look bad…it’s how I really feel. I’ve always sensed something was wrong about him, but I couldn’t quite put my fingers on what it was.” “Till last night, I found out about something.” His seriousness affects me, and my smile gradually faints away. All his words sound ridiculous to my ears, but I still can’t help but ask, “…you find out about what?”

“Remember yesterday you went out to find him? The storm was like hell, so we were all worried. Katherine suggested we should call the police and everyone else agreed…except for Jarnes. And he said something really weird.”

“…what did he say?”

“He said…” Alex pauses and then continues in a low voice. “… ‘don’t worry. Eason has it all under control.'”

I slightly part my lips and look back at him blankly.

it all

that supposed

Eason would be OK. Like they’ve plotted for him to go swimming under this weather, and they’ve

…no way.

back as I keep staring at him with a stunned look on my

His accusation is…outrageous!

think Alex must be crazy, a voice in my mind starts to ask me back-then why did James

silence, I finally open my

clear my throat and ask dryly. “But why would he do that? Why

he’s doing this for the inheritance? with you back in the picture now, maybe he’s worried that you might

trick me

to laugh because it sounds so

twitch slightly

can’t be it,” I stutter. “Me and my mom have no interest and

as a gold-digger, why did he sleep with me? Why did he say that he loves me and asks me to be his girlfriend? I sit there with a

inhale deeply and

real relationship between me and Eason. So he has no idea that things

studies my face and frowns, “You ok? I’ll

behind our back right at this

around and find the entrance door is wide open. Eason is standing beside the

hairs on my arms literally stand up. After what Alex just told me, I am horrified to see him sneaking up on us like that. Alex takes in a deep breath and averts his eyes, “nothing. We were just

lips and steps in, “No need

remain silent. Alex shrugs and stands up, “Fine. I’ll

pass Eason and leaves through the door. Eason stares at

his lips as he walks over towards me and sits on the sofa. He

My mind is

rubs my ankle and asks casually. “What were you guys talking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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