Skylar almost choked on the rubbery piece of beef in her mouth, so she wiped her mouth with her hand.

“See? I didn’t lie to you. Skylar is really here.” Jeremy immediately spotted Skylar amongst the crowd.

Avery thought that Jeremy was pulling a trick on her and was just trying to strike up a conversation with her. But to her surprise, what he said was true.

Actually, Jeremy only knew that Skylar was in the cafeteria after seeing the photo she shared on her social media.

Avery then reminded Jeremy, “Don’t ever mention that she’s my sister in university. She’s an embarrassment.”

Unable to grasp the situation, Jeremy scratched his head. “Isn’t Skylar quite pretty too? It’s just that she’s not as pleasant.”


Avery sneered coldly. “Pretty? I think you might need some glasses. Anyway, go and find out why she is here. What kind of university is this? Don’t they have any standards when accepting students?”

With a shrug, Jeremy was just as confused as Avery was.


Skylar looked at the two of them whispering from a distance, and inwardly lamented her fate of running into them.

I don’t know what’s more pathetic – Jeremy simpering like a fool in front of Avery or me spying on them.

them made Skylar’s face cloud

then did Jeremy dare to come over and

was obvious that Jeremy worshiped Avery

always blowing hot and cold, so


tray, preparing to leave. “I don’t have Alzheimer’s, so I

way, Avery wants me to tell you not to tell anyone in university

do you listen to whatever she says? If I had known that the person I was giving my all to save was a dog, I wouldn’t have been so stupid that I turned my life into

you calling a dog? Skylar, wasn’t your life a mess, too, even before you were with me? With a background

he was right. Before she met

by her grandmother, she would have died

in in the past and was now being kept

like to invite you to dinner!” Skylar tapped on the

heavy that it was suffocating. Holding their breath,

not. Why are you suddenly asking

head seat and left the meeting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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