With that, Wesley had no choice but to usher Skylar inside. However, his face clouded over when he saw her pulling a suitcase, and so did her Aunt Sharon’s.

“Uncle Wesley, Aunt Sharon, can I stay here for a few days? I’ll move out immediately once I get a job.”

Sharon pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. “What’s gotten into you, Skylar? You’ve always been a sensible child. Can’t you see our situation now?”

Meanwhile, Wesley held his tongue.

“I won’t bother you for long. I only need three days.”

“Your cousins barely have a room for themselves now,” Sharon said. “You don’t wanna interrupt in their studies now, do you?”


Before things got out of hand, Wesley had Sharon follow him inside the kitchen before closing the door.

Through the door came the muffled voice of a woman. “What are you doing? Haven’t you heard? It’s easier to invite the devil in than to send him away. Do you seriously believe that she’s gonna leave in three days? Besides, why do we have to take her in? It’s not like she doesn’t have a father, or her mother is dead.”


“Skylar is my niece, after all. My mom told me to look after her before she died. It’s no big deal to take her in for a few days. If she doesn’t want to leave by then, I’ll kick her out,” Wesley said.

even a

should I tell

then smiling dryly, she carried

her sickbed that he would look after Skylar like she was his own daughter and take her in to live with

that was easier said

her death, Wesley’s family of four had

the property ownership certificate before her a

did she know Meredith had given the house to

her, she couldn’t deny the fact that her grandmother had favored Wesley over her. After all, he was her son, and she was just a

name, she would have

her Uncle Wesley now, and it had nothing to

suitcase along the street, feeling cold inside despite the warm winter sunlight hitting on

her suitcase. After that, she decided to give Linda a call, inquiring if they needed an extra so that

Linda immediately hung

if any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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