City North Hospital.

Skylar got off work early in the morning and went to the hospital with barely any sleep. The dark circles beneath her eyes were so pronounced that even her foundation did nothing to conceal them.

After settling the bill for Jeremy, she hurried upstairs. The situation was not as bad as she had thought, and the doctor said he could be discharged soon.

Her life could finally get back on track. If she continued working like a dog, one day, she might very well die from exhaustion in her rental house.

Right then, Jeremy was sitting on the hospital bed, figuring out the functions of his new phone. His complexion was much better than before—ironically, a stark contrast to the woman walking towards his ward. Color had returned to his cheeks, and he even put on some weight.

When he saw Skylar come in, he hastily shoved his newly bought phone into the pocket of his hospital gown.


“So, what did you do last night?” Skylar brought over a thermos which was filled with pot roast that she cooked an hour earlier. Then she handed Jeremy a pair of cutlery.

Her question stunned Jeremy. Quickly digging into the pot roast to hide his guilt, he muttered, “What else could I do? Of course I was lying here. Why did you ask?”


Skylar wet her pale lips, looking more like a patient than the man on his sickbed. “Huh… Funny story—someone saw you buying a Hermes bag for a girl. I knew she was mistaken.”

Afraid that Skylar would see through him, Jeremy gave her a tight-lipped smile and said, “Haha… Hermes? You flatter me, baby. I’m not that rich!”

Through the window, the morning sun filtered in and showered his youthful face with a golden glow that complemented his bright and gentle smile.

Skylar was dazed for a moment before raising her brows. True. Where would Jeremy get that kind of money? She would know that, as he had only given her one bag ever since they started going out.

To be frank, calling it a “bag” was an overstatement. After all, it was made of recycled scraps that were duct-taped all over, to which Jeremy claimed he bought it from the flea market. Despite that, Skylar had shared it on her social media, feeling proud of it.

“Anyway, the doctor said I can go home next week. I didn’t expect to recover so quickly,” Jeremy said after he finished the entire pot roast.

Actually, Skylar had made two portions because she came here in a hurry and did not have time to eat.

Upon seeing the thermos completely empty, she simply sighed in resignation.

was always inconsiderate like this. After so many years, Skylar

stray strands of hair away from her face and said, “That’s great. It’s better to rest at home



phone ringtone blared out from his pocket. His eyes darted toward Skylar and

her hand and blocked

eyes as guilt rose in him with each dreading second. “Hey,

her hand down quickly, blaming Tobias for her

back. We have

been sick all this while, so there’s no way he could’ve

footsteps just outside the

greeted her, her eyes inadvertently looking Pauline

recently seen each other, but there was already an additional gold bracelet

by the looks at it, the bracelet was worth

casually asked, “Hi, Mrs. Lane, how are you doing? Oh wow,

conceal the bracelet. “It’s fake. How can I afford to buy an authentic one in our current situation? Skylar, who was it you met the last time? It was

only responded tersely, “Ah, it was April’s Fool,

they had nothing

to marry, the kind that could make their lives easier and give them a

her son to marry a woman who was abandoned by her parents, not to mention

through the awkward atmosphere. She immediately picked up the call and was informed

Pauline, “Mrs. Lane,

her face, acting

did not take it to heart

my son even fall for you? Audition? It’s probably either for a maid or


Skylar is really an uncouth brat. She doesn’t have any manners, always pulling a long face when she sees

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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