Chapter 143 Feelings for a sick man

Doris knocked hesitantly. Two guards eyed her as she approached his room, but said nothing. She wasn’t sure if they recognized her or not-she wasn’t even in her uniform yet. It was exhausting to even consider having to step back into her old role. Would they put her at the library? Perhaps she should talk to William about it when he felt better.

William didn’t respond when she knocked again, louder this time. If his guards weren’t at the door, she would have thought he wasn’t inside.

“Will – Prince William? It’s Doris.” She said through the door. Her cheeks reddened when his guards gave her another strange look when she almost called him William. A bit of shuffling came through on the other side before the door was pulled open. He looked disheveled and his room was a mess as if he had thrown everything around inside.

“You should go, I’m not in the mood.” He grumbled. Doris had to fight the itch to brush his messy hair out of his eyes. “I want to be alone.”

“Are you okay? I can go prepare something for you, or if you’d like some tea-”

“Don’t do that. Stop acting like you have to serve me every second of the day.” He gripped her arm and yanked her inside before he slammed the door.

She stumbled in and straightened herself with a breath. “I was just trying to help—”

“It doesn’t help. I don’t want you to act like my maid right now!” He shouted and kicked a fallen pot out of his way. It shattered into a million pieces. “And don’t you fucking dare offer to clean this room.”

“Prince William, I’m not trying to—“

William stopped where he was and turned to face her slowly. “Say that again.”

“I’m not trying to,“

that, the bit before it.” He stepped closer to her, she had to hold

“Prince William?”

calling me that again? You never had a problem calling Daniel his name without his title.” William said bitterly. Jealousy seeped through his tone even though she


the palace, I thought you would have wanted me to refer to you as a prince especially in front of other people. I didn’t want to cause a

look up at him. “I’ll tell you what I want. I don’t want you to call me

mouth before he let her go. “Do you want me to go with you when you visit your father?” She asked after she took a moment

alone when I can handle it.” He admitted. She softened a little. Even though she knew he was suffering, she didn’t expect him to be transparent. “He must

and put his head in his hands. She lightly

that as if the very idea of his father caring about him was

wind of my plans and wants her son already on the throne?”

a huge investigation. Especially after what happened to your mother.” Doris brushed his hair back. It had gotten a little longer on their journey and her stomach turned when she realized that

done to damage me, he’s still my father even if he doesn’t care.” William said so quietly, she had to lean closer to hear

went into his closet. Doris glanced around the mess of

maid to do it. He was right, it would be weird

from him away. Would he do the same to her? Or allow her freedom when he was ready to cut her loose? She

a prince. A dark grey suit with


him. I’ll shove that bitch out a window

to mess up his perfect look to be the one she craved, but it was not the time to want him to be   anything but what he

to accompany you? I wouldn’t mind staying all night with you.” Doris said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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