Chapter 59 It was chaos

Enzo didn’t have to ask twice, Doris returned to her room and put a chair in front of the door to make sure no one would be able to open it even if they unlocked it. She also made sure every window was locked again before she turned out all the lights and laid in her bed with her dagger gripped tightly in her hands. Howls sounded far away from her window, she didn’t think she would be able to sleep a bit until the morning came. What on earth did the rogue hunt when Enzo wasn’t trying to make a point to his pack? Did they use animals-or strangers? She shivered to think about it, but it had to be something worth it. There was no doubt as to why Enzo was the leader of the rogues. Even if he was as kind as he was, he was one of the scariest men she’d ever met. And that was saying a


After what felt like hours of almost dozing off -shouting erupted from outside her door and instantly woke every inch of her. She shot up from her bed and stumbled over herself as she tried to hear what was happening. Had someone returned with the heads? Doris trembled at the thought of their heads being

right to Enzo’s feet

poris we doorpring

nearby but she hadn’t seen him yet There he was. William stood on the platform as his normal self with only a hint of derangement on his features. His hair was wild and his scruff had thickened on his jaw since the last time she saw him. Her heart stupidly flipped at the sight of him so wild. His guards surrounded him like a shield and snapped at anyone that tried to get close to him. He didn’t see her yet, but she watched him closely. Her mind felt conflicted. Should she make herself known? Or would he even care? Why was he here in the middle of the night? She would have

indifference on his face and his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He had his own guards that surrounded him, but they only looked at each other as if no one else was around. As if wolves weren’t dying around them. 2 “When I heard about your hunt,

to spilling over and setting his surroundings on fire. “She is mine, I demand you return her

and her choices. “Even if we return her, you wouldn’t call off your dogs. Isn’t that right? Enzo asked over the sounds of fighting. They both looked so unfazed about it all, Doris couldn’t stand it. William growled when Enzo shrugged and backed away from him as if he was tired of their argument. She looked away when William started to shift into his wolf form and lost track of him the instant he disappeared into the crowd. If he found her, he would drag her back to the palace

respected and all of her wishes were met if they were reasonable. It was hard to let that go, but it was also hard to live in fear. Melody was her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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