#Chapter 15 I have no interest in you

Doris stopped and turned towards the voice. Lady Jane slowly moved to face her, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

“Were you talking to me, my lady?” Doris asked with a polite smile.

“Do you see anyone else around that could play lady Melody so easily?”

Doris’ smile froze on her lips. “Play her?” Was this a joke? As much as Doris hated Melody, she would never dare play a lady. Especially not one so cruel. No revenge was worth losing her life over.

Lady Jane’s smile grew as she walked gracefully towards Doris. “Prince William has gone without an official lady for so long, it’s caused quite the jealousy between the girls at the palace. Those that fought with the other girls were never suitable for the title which was almost all of them. But Lady Melody was someone who had been marked by Prince William himself so he ignored her to see if she was fit enough for the role.”

Doris only blinked at Lady Jane as if she didn’t understand what the lady was implying.

“If you didn’t stop Melody’s bribery, she would have been worth nothing to the prince. She would have never earned the chance to spend the night with the prince in his own bedroom.”

Doris’s eyes widened when she realized Lady Jane knew exactly what Doris had done. How on earth did she find out Doris never gave the gold to Prince William’s valet?

It dawned on her that Lady Jane kept an eye on everything to do with Prince William, including his maids. Ms. Shirley had gotten her tip, but Peter never received the money. It must have been so obvious.

apologize for taking the gold for myself, but I only took it out of greed. Please forgive me.” Doris lowered her head, clasped her hands in front of her and spoke carefully. “I still don’t understand what you meant, my lady. If you say I’m good at what you referred, how is it that I’m

not really sure why you’re doing this, but be careful. The Golden Palace is too ruthless of a place for someone soft like you

had to. It was the only way to secure her release when the amnesty

would do whatever she had to do and be free of this place. Even if it meant being kind to

again. “I still don’t completely understand your words, but I’m thankful

keep on if you’re not getting it. But if I were you, I would get rid of the gold as

to do with the gold, but Lady Jane was right. She had to

longer she kept the gold the more trouble she would be in. Would they throw her in the cell if Melody claimed she was a thief? The last thing she needed was to be marked as

Doris caught him alone when he was walking the opposite way down the same hallway. Doris

How’re you doing

still burned about not receiving a tip the last time they spoke. Unfortunately

to rid herself

Prince William. His face wore a mask of no emotion, she quickly curtsied. “Your

will meet her for dinner in her room.” Prince William said with his

on it.” Peter bowed before he left down the

and tried to hide the gold in her hands. His gaze burned through her, she lifted her eyes to his own. “Your majesty, if you don’t

to look back at him. “Who’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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