Chapter 2350 


“Of course my family will abide by the law! We’ re doing business here, so we need everyone’s support!” 


“My family will continue to hold a casino badge and keep our casino-palace open.” 


“That’s why I should uphold justice as best as I can!” 


“As such, I won’t let you off the hook for cheating in my turf!” 


Christian slammed his hands on the table. 


“If I don’t take control of the situation and enforce the law now, who would dare play in my turf later on?!” he exclaimed righteously. 


“Cheaters aren’t allowed to take away my family’ s money!” 


“Either do as I say, or I let my bodyguards do their thing!” 


“We’ll see if your little brother’s better than my bodyguards’ guns!” 


Christian flashed them a gleeful smile as he fiddled with two chips, as smug as ever. He seemed quite calm, but was in fact exuding a dark aura of unspeakable malice. 


“You’re lawless, Christian! You’re distorting the truth!” 


eyes burning with a


you call the shots here?”


you even bear the responsibility


smirked, looking proud




know I’m not in charge of the place, and neither


powerful figures supporting the Mendoza family as well. It’s impressive,


“But, so what?!” 


that Young Lord York from Hong Kong



Kong or Las Vegas can go against


I say that


repulsive arrogance. His claim shocked Yoana and Edwin, whose expressions turned grim as they listened to him. Their hearts sank as many thoughts


We’re finished!’ 




the only one behind




York is


me! I


this very moment. Soon after the gun




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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