In the dark of the night, Loraine Bryant walked nervously to a room, straightening her silk nightgown with sweaty palms.

This was the first time she’d worn such a revealing nightgown, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear, either.

There was a cool breeze, and the sensation of it brushing past her skin made her tremble.

Loraine spurred herself on.

There was nothing to be afraid of, she reminded herself.

The man in the room was her husband, Marco Bryant, and they had been married for three years. A nightgown like this was made for times Like this.

taking deep, calming

man appeared, tall and strong-looking. His eyes were unfriendly and his Lips were slightly pursed. He was

“It’s late. What’s up?”

ice cold. It was like looking at

all the courage she had

do you remember what

frowned. “Get

Forcing a smile, she said, “It’s our third wedding anniversary. You’ve seemed so busy Lately. But

suddenly stepped out

Loraine with a smile.

much about you from Marco.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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