Chapter 5

“Ms. Rachford, Mi Faulkner un paid the micelical bills for your grandmother,” said the driver as he handed some receipts to Genevieve, 

Genevieve took the recipes with shaky bands. Her heart relaxed once she saw the p hase of the medicines listed on thein. “Was Cooper the one who sent you to fetch 

me?” she askeur expectantly 

She knew that there were surveillance cameras installed at the front doors. Cooper could be looking at her right now! 

The driver shook his head. “Mr. Sulton was the one who took everything from you and treated you like a dog. What are you still hoping for?” 

He pulled open the door of the back seat of the car. “Please, Ms. Rachford.” 

Genevieve raised her head. She noticed a man sitting in the back of the car with his legs crossed. He was holding a cigarette in between his fingers, looking very unapproachable. 

“I don‘t know him...” 

“Mr. Faulkner will tell you everything you wish to know,” said the driver. “And by the way, he doesn‘t like waiting.” 

Genevieve understood the hidden meaning behind the driver‘s words. She had no idea who this man was or where he came from, but she wanted to know the truth. She gritted her teeth and crawled up from the ground. The instant she moved, the wound on her leg opened and began bleeding. 

bandaged Genevieve‘s wound and handed her a bath towel. She limped into the

to life not long

of the light in the car, Genevieve studied the man‘s flawless

pursed her lips. “What do you want

his head and glanced at

me.” His raspy voice was low and

on her neck. When she heard the word “return,” she quickly understood that the necklace was left by this man that

shaking with

seen his side profile

one who sent me the message?” Genevieve asked. She raised her hand, wanting to

was the one who booked that room.” The man raised his eyes and looked at her. “Do you want to know why

to the door and was about to

out of exasperation. “If you booked the room, who else would have messaged me other than you? I have no beef with you, so why

snorted. “What

wiped it with a handkerchief. “Go to the

“Yes, Mr. Faulkner.” 

car arrived at the underground parking lot of

memories for Genevieve. When she recalled the events of that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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