Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 18
Katya POV

Getting to my room my mother digs through my bag grabbing some clothes and passing them to me. I slip them on and she looks around the room.


“It’s a nice room” she comments and I nod pulling my pants on. She goes to say something but stops herself.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her. She looks conflicted before I see her usual face slip on. Gone was my protective mother and in her place my biggest critic.I regretted asking instantly.

“Why didn’t you fight back?”

“I was naked!” I tell her, what did she expect me to do?

“You made yourself look weak, they won’t accept you if you look weak, you need to stand up for yourself”

“And last time I did, I got in trouble” I tell her and she sighs running her hand through her hair.


“You won’t get in trouble, do what you have to, to prove yourself Kat”

“Alpha Ezra said no violence between pack member’s mum, you want me to lay low then you tell me to fight back which is it?”

“You make us look weak, you are not weak. No daughter of mine can be weak, especially in your position” she says her voice raising.

“My position? Just say what you want to say mum, spit it out” I tell her sick of her judgement. Either way I am Dmn if I do and Dmn if I don’t meet her expectations.


“Your life is going to get a lot harder, and you being a pushover looks bad, your mate will have expectations and if you can’t prove yourself”-

“What are you talking about, I don’t have a mate mum. I don’t even have a wolf so I wouldn’t find him even if I miraculously did. And mates are meant to love us not shun us”

“Not all mates are equal Katya, your a weakness to any mate you get with not having a wolf so you need to show your strength in other ways”

“Get out!” I tell her and she stops her rant looking at me.

“Get out, I asked you here as my mum and you can’t even do that, everything is about titles and strength to you. If you think I am weak then just go, I criticise myself enough. I don’t need it from you too” I tell her, tears brimming in my eyes. Why can’t she just love me and be a mother for five seconds without criticizing me.

“You don’t talk to me like that, I am just trying to help you”

than I meant. She glared at me and was about to say something when the door

her. Sh*t how much did he hear? Panic

are arguing about but it is clear Kat wants you to go Shirley, so leave” Ezra says and I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding. My mother’s

says, kissing my head

leaves and the Alpha steps in the room closing

downstairs” he says. I shake

mother seems strict,”he says

thinks I made myself look weak” I

He asked and he

he won’t want a weak mate, that I needed to prove myself or some Sh*t” I told him,

okay?” I ask him and he snaps out whatever mood

and no one should expect anything from you, Kat, especially your mate”

him and we stand there

for once I was actually happy he barged in.

her in?” He asks,

here” I tell him

more comfortable with you upstairs” Mateo answers. The Alpha walks over grabs my bag not saying anything as he puts

Mateo throws his arm over my shoulder. “Be like a slumber party we

do that Sh*t” he says and I raise

I don’t” I chuckled at

never? even the Alpha and I have slumber

do you two do then?” I ask, wondering if they really did have sleepovers considering they live in


our faces, watch Tv. Not much to do when not working and it is boring in case you haven’t noticed, sometimes we go to the whore” he says. When

messages from the ladies of the night” he says, getting another growl from the

mean a prostitute?”

place is, why get your panties in a knot

of the girls in the pack would give

are you offering?” Mateo asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me. The Alpha spins around on the stairs and

is not what

he is taunting, and to answer your question it isn’t right to mess around with pack member’s, knowing they have mates, so yes a brothel and a couple of girls

I was a little shocked. The Alpha glares at Mateo and I watch as

past him up the stairs.

later Kat for our slumber party” Mateo says, giving

down and grabbing my hand. He tugs me up the stairs but I didn’t even pay attention to where he was leading me, too focused on the strange tingling sensation of my hand

is down the end, it’s the last door,” he

before stopping next to the dresser and placing

but doesn’t get used much because we have bathrooms in our rooms so you don’t have to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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