Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 35

Katya POV


My entire body felt like it was hit by a truck then reversed over. I felt so stiff, like I hadn’t moved much. Forcing my eyes open, I groan rolling on my side only to not recognise the room I was in. This isn’t the Alpha’s room?

I sit up looking around, only to see the Alpha’s head next to me and I realise I am in a Hospital room of sorts. Blinking lights on different monitors flashing and beeping. Looking around Mateo was asleep in a chair at my feet. Wait, how did I get here? Am I missing something?

I lift my hand brushing it through the Alpha’s hair before cupping his cheek. He kisses my palm and I feel tingles rush over it. “I love you” he mumbles in his sleep and I chuckle at his unknowing words in his sleep. His head snapping up as I laugh at his sleep talking.

“Kat!” He gasps, staring at me before clamping his hands on my face. He squished my cheeks together and I could tell he was still half asleep as his eyes looked glazed over still. My lips must resemble a fish as he squeezed my face between his palms like he couldn’t believe I was really here. Why was he acting like that?

“You’re squishing my face” I try to tell him when his eyes widen in recognition at the sound of my voice. Didn’t he recognise me, or was he still half asleep?

“Kat!” He says letting my face go. I stretch my face only for his lips to crash down on mine almost frantically.


I shove him back as his tongue invades my mouth before giving up and kissing him back. He releases me and I suck in the much needed air he deprived me of.

“Geez what’s got into you, you’re acting like I just dropped dead” I tell him and he falls silent just staring at me before dropping his head and grabbing my hand, he kisses my fingertips.

“What is it?” I ask him worried about his severe affections, usually he wasn’t clingy like that.

“Kat you’re awake,” Mateo says as he walks over to me, Mateo bends down and kisses my head giving me a side hug.


“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” I ask him.

“You don’t remember the Rogues?” Mateo asks, looking at me. The rogues, the rogues, I rack my brain till a light globe goes on in my head, everything suddenly coming back suffocating me. It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a dream.

piece together the events but all I could see was Jasmine’s vacant eyes staring back at me as I looked down at her blood soaked body lying motionless on the

gasp, unable to breathe. My friend, my

down, just breathe” Ezra says, cupping my face

Jasmine” I tell him frantically. Does he

alive, she is okay”

blood” I told him before breaking down.

back” Ezra tells me but I know what I saw, he is lying, he said

the image from my mind now that I know it wasn’t a dream. Then the feeling I felt and how cold I got as

lips moving trying to tell me something as the room around us dimmed but yet couldn’t understand what he was saying, the room getting darker as I tried to breathe, my

she is alive, I will

convince myself to believe it but people don’t come back from the dead, we aren’t cats, we don’t get nine lives, so what

air before I chuckle at his face so close to mine, his eyes blurring into one. He raises an eyebrow at me but I manage to catch my breath though he continues

like a woman in labour?”


who forgot how to breathe” He says sitting back in

her over,” Mateo

who over?” I

pajamas, which had

my ears as I run off the bed and jump her. I crashed on top of her and she felt real. “You’re alive,you’re alive” I squeal, kissing her pretty head, as she patted

alive, but if you start busting out in song I may just kill myself and your slobbering on me” She says patting my back as I squeeze the living daylights out of her, never wanting to let her go. She was

to life, you would think she wants to keep

tell her, pulling back and looking down at

Mateo’s voice behind me and I look over

nods downwards and I look down at her realising I was straddling her

squeak, my face heating

which I am not Beta Mateo” She says glaring at him “you woiuld

hopping off her and helping her up. “Nice jammies” Mateo tells her

healed, thanks to you. Now can I go back to

Mateo asks, cutting her off and

wet about it though I think I would pee

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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