Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 21

I could see the Packhouse coming into view, see the lights coming through the trees, and was very aware of his paws on the earth as he chased me down. Quickly sidestepping and darting between two trees, I knew his wolf wouldn’t squeeze between. I hear him snarl as he tries to stop before hearing him slide into the trees slamming into them. I laughed and picked up my pace forcing my legs faster when suddenly the ground was gone beneath my feet as I hit the air.


A shriek leaving my lips as the ground suddenly opened up and swallowed me. I hit the bottom with a soft thud. “Argh that hurt” I groaned, rubbing my hip and a$s where I landed on it. I look up to hear laughing and stare up at the hole I landed in. I could see Maddox pacing the hole and hear Ezra laughing in my head.

“Is the little mouse trapped?” He asked and I could hear the amusement in his voice.

“No!” I told him looking for a way out, the walls were higher than my head and a good metre and half higher than me. Who digs a hole like this? I try to dig my fingers into the dirt to climb up only to fall back down and hear his laughter above me making me glare at him.

“Quite the predicament you have found yourself in” Alpha Ezra says before his wolf lays down his head looking over the side of the hole looking at me.

I try to find a way out, digging my feet into the soil only for it to break off and slide into the hole. I pressed my lips into a line not wanting to ask for his help but knowing it was the only way out of the hole.

“Argh can you help please?” I ask looking up at him.


“Maybe, what do I get if I help you?” He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him before folding my arms over my chest, when a thought occurs to me.

“Maddox, can you help me please?” I ask calling his wolf. His ears perk up as he looks into the hole sniffing the air, a growl escaping him and I could hear Ezra trying to hone him in from taking control he looked like he was about to jump in the hole.

called, realising it

be stuck in the hole” Ezra says. I


calls before tossing a long vine into the hole. I grab it with both hands before yanking it,


red with embarrassment seeing him naked next to me and this close. He stands getting to his feet before looking up at the hole. “Come here,” He says, waving me forward. He clasps his hands together and I place my hand on his shoulder and my

in the air and I manage to claw my way out. Now up the

yourself in Alpha” I taunt now that he was stuck in the hole. “You wouldn’t?” He says. I smile deviously

command you” He challenges but I had a feeling he wouldn’t, knowing it would cause

it get out here at night?” I ask looking down at him and his smile

swear Katya if you leave me

do it?” I retort and he


have been a comedian,

when I get out of

now huh” He growls baring


before chucking them down to him. They snap and I groan, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea pulling

I could just pick up Mateo scent hitting my nose from the breeze, a squeak slipping past my lips and I looked down at

when I get out of this hole, I am coming for you” I hear footsteps getting

you fall in your own trap?” He asks, walking to the edge and looking down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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