Chapter 37 What You Feel Towards Me Is Not Hate

Jean Eyer frowned as she looked at the closed door of the room. She mumbled to herself, “He won’t be so silly. He has no reason to do so, I am no one to him anymore.”

Ben Ludwig looked down and said in a dull tone, “Jean Eyer, if he’s really waiting for you outside, wanting to reunite with you…”

Smack. Jean Eyer threw a pillow which landed on Ben Ludwig’s back. “I think you’ve been watching too much television.” Jean Eyer shrugged it off before washing up and lying on the bed.

It flashed through her mind how Edgar Royden looked at her today. Something seemed different. But in the next moment, Jean Eyer pushed away those weird thoughts.

Edgar Royden was either being calculative with her or he couldn’t bear to see his ex-wife living well. Men and their d@mn possessiveness.

That was all that was happening. Ben Ludwig washed his hair, and when he came out from the shower, Jean Eyer was fast asleep, wrapped up in the comforter.

Even her soft snores could be heard in the room. Ben Ludwig laughed self-deprecatingly and dimmed the lights. “You really don’t see me as a man, huh.”

any precautions. He looked at Jean Eyer for quite some time before closing his eyes and going to sleep. It was

woke up from her dream in shock. She had another dream about the day the Eyer Group went bankrupt, when Edgar Royden destroyed

the bed with her bare feet and drank two big glasses of water before feeling slightly better. She looked at the time again. It was fifteen minutes

past year or so, she lived like that almost daily, being tormented by nightmares. She looked at

lobby and drink some coffee, but she never expected to bump into someone

at the window edge of the corridor, looking as if he was speaking to business partners on the phone. He was speaking in a foreign

was in a

Eyer used to be like that in the past.

moved her eyes away and stepped in front of the vending machine

picked up a magazine to flip


said into the phone, “Alright, after we


didn’t go back to his room but walked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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