Chapter 19 Cold Handcuffs

“Argh!” Gigi recoiled. The smell of alcohol permeated her nose. Everyone in the room was confused at the sight. Jean smirked, holding the empty glass. Did Gigi expect her to take all the taunts in stride?

When Gigi snapped out of it, her shock turned into anger. She snatched a glass and rushed toward Jean. “Jean! How dare you! I’ll kill you!”

Jean dodged her. Reaching for the nearest thing, she flung it toward Gigi. A malicious thought crossed Gigi’s mind. Jean had missed her target when she threw the glass bottle. Yet it smashed straight into Gigi’s face!

Gigi yelped and fell to the floor. Blood pooled around her head. “Murder! Someone attempted murder!”

feared for their lives left the place immediately. Someone called for an ambulance and the police. It wasn’t

the scene. “Sir! It’s this

her. The officer frowned as he pulled out his handcuffs and walked toward Jean. “Miss, I

the police

at Gigi, who was holding her head in her hand. She gave Jean

smile made Jean’s blood

the handcuffs reminded Jean that she

fallen into her trap with no

his car after a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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