Kathleen knew Samuel was puzzled.

She said, “I just want you to know that I’m not being whiny to seek your attention, I’m serious about this.”

Kathleen was determined to divorce Samuel.

She could not afford to wait until her baby bump started showing and got found out by others.

By that time, she might still be able to get the divorce but would the Macari grant her custody of her baby?

It was definitely out of the question.

On top of that, Samuel would not stop seeing Nicolette just for the sake of the baby.

In the end, the ones who suffered would only be the baby and herself.

“Samuel, let us end this on good terms,” said Kathleen. She then took a deep breath and said, “After crying it out yesterday, I suddenly feel that I can let go.”

It might be painful to give up, but she would be damaged beyond repair if she did not take back her heart now.

She did not want to play with fire anymore.

This time, she wanted to live for herself.

Samuel gave her a cold glance without saying anything, and he went from the bed to the shower.

Kathleen let out a sigh, and a bitter look showed on her face.

As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. She was now being rewarded with the consequences of her own action.

Kathleen and Samuel stopped communicating. They went downstairs together when they were ready.

Later while they were having their meal, Kathleen told Wynnie that she was going out.

Wynnie asked, “Are you visiting Benjamin?”

“No, I’m heading to a charity home for some volunteer work, I’m helping Gemma out. She has a lot on her plate, but the charity works need to keep going,” Kathleen explained.

When Kathleen was talking, her doe-like eyes sparkled, so she looked very cute while doing so.

Wynnie liked Kathleen; it was a genuine feeling.

Wynnie asked, “What sort of charity home is that? Anything I can help?”

“It is a charity home established specially for children with autism,” replied Kathleen in her sweet voice, “Actually I’m also not quite sure what they would need.”

Wynnie looked solemn as she said, “There is quite a number of autistic children nowadays. We really should give more attention and concern to them. It’s okay, let me know what they need after your visit.”

Kathleen nodded.

cheque and placed it in front of Kathleen. Then,

her in astonishment.

all kinds of events representing the Macari family, you cannot keep shying away from the spotlight.”

from the public eyes for

“Whoever dares to disagree with me, I’ll

Samuel fell speechless.

did not dare to, nor

to get a divorce from Samuel, she did

to donate in the name of Mrs. Macari, she

you there.”

happened to Kathleen last time, she

he will get you a

looked displeased and said, “Mom, I will send her over, and

in a sarcastic way, “I was worried that those people in the Macari family have changed and only recognize that vixen in the

was not with them, so it did not

Samuel furrowed his eyebrows.

a bit embarrassed. “I’ll just make sure to be more aware when

be safe and free from danger. I’m going to leave this place, and make sure not to leave a trace for anyone to

you are precious to the Macari family, I’ve asked Christopher to get you

sandwich as she said, “Mom, if only I could marry

a shame I’m not a

knew they had a good

Wynnie laugh, Kathleen was

not even do it on

It all came naturally.

you done?” Samuel gave Kathleen

finished up the last bagel sandwich and


Samuel went speechless.

really my

really eaten enough.” Kathleen did not want to see

fact, she only had three bagel sandwiches, she actually wanted to

could not eat however much she wanted to without care, she needed to take care of

one knew she was pregnant, so nobody

learn to take care of

the Macari family know she was pregnant, they would

she could not tell

lightly pinched

Kathleen got up and said,

and replied, “All

that, Samuel went

“If I didn’t know better, I would think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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