#Chapter 24 – Busy Night

He doesn’t respond for a moment, and I hold my breath. Is he angry? Hurt? Annoyed? It’s impossible

to read the expression on his face.

“Oh,” he finally says, leaning back in his seat. “Just helping out?”

I nod. “He insisted on helping, so I put him in the back. Tonight, he was doing dishes.” The memory of it

almost makes me smile, but I stop myself at the last minute. The last thing that will help this situation is

me grinning like an idiot.

Adam’s eyebrows go up. “That must have been a sight.”

I finally let the smile slip free. “Oh, it was.”

“Well, that’s good.” He takes a sip of his wine. “You need whatever help you can get. Though I imagine

he must be a pretty difficult employee.” He has no idea.

“So, it doesn’t bother you?”

He shakes his head. “No, I trust you.”

“Oh, good. Well, you have nothing to worry about, anyway.”

He nods and smiles. “I was thinking of stopping by tomorrow night. I have a meeting late, but I was

going to come straight after.”


I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, some sign of anger or even jealousy, but nothing. I know it

would annoy Karl if it were the reverse. He is my ex-husband, after all, and he’s made it pretty clear he

wants me back. Shouldn’t it bother Adam? Isn’t he even a little worried Karl might steal me away?

Sure, I have no interest in getting back together with Karl, but do I want to be with someone who

could be reading too much into it, but it

good sign.

they think. They always know what to do

At least they’ll be able to tell me if it should bother

good?” I ask, glancing up at Adam

hand, and leans

him wander into the living room and collapse on the

to worry

I feel

when I arrive, holding another tray of coffees for Ethan and me.

comment and unlock the front door. He trails in after

doesn’t need to show up in a full suit every day.

pretty sexy

more torture?” I

He grins and leans on the door of my office. I place my things

to get some orders out today before everyone

going to be another busy

feel the need to remind you that this really isn’t necessary,” I

sips his coffee. “Let’s agree

then Ethan meets us in the back a few minutes later.

raised brows, looking

“Thanks,” he says.

going to go take the


doors swing shut behind him. At least he’s taking some

he’s back,” Ethan says, looking over his shoulder like he thinks

of the realm of possibility, I

up from the list of orders. “I

I can get him to help me set up the kitchen

out there.” I smirk.

to focus on the orders. A part of me

being here open to close, then who am I to stop him? It’s

wasn’t interested. “I’m just here to

doesn’t really need the extra

employees trickle in an hour later. I meet them in the kitchen, ready to

we get going. There are a few things we need to

takes time to get in the groove with new kitchen staff. Especially because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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