8 months Later

Loved ones came and visited the other mothers on the ward, excitedly gushing over their new bundles of joy. Excitedly talking about their new additions to the family. My heart twisted painfully, knowing no one was excited to meet my son. No one was coming to check on me or offer support. No one cared for the boy suckling at my breast. No one was coming, it was him and me against the world, but that was ok. I would make it work. How could anything so tiny and sweet be called a mistake? How could you throw your flesh and blood away, your own daughter, over her falling pregnant?

It was a difficult labor, 34 hours and 45 five minutes of pure agony and no comfort, not even from the midwives. They were nothing but rude and mean, telling me to quit my crying as I begged them to make the pain stop. I had never felt so vulnerable or alone as when I was in labor. The woman across from me was being doted on by her mate. The support he was showing her and the comfort made my heart clench.

It was hard enough to be a werewolf and grow up with expectations of being the Alpha’s daughter but shun her because she fell pregnant. Strip her of her title, and for one night. That one night turned my life upside down.

Hearing the nurse come in, I look up. She grabs my chart from the end of the bed, looking it over before eyeing me. Her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She didn’t hide her disgust for me. No one did; everyone looked down on me because I had a child with someone who is not my mate; that much was evident because where was he? Not here beside me like the rest of those new mothers on the ward, my mate wasn’t here gushing over this newborn baby in my arms.

“You really have no idea who the father is?” She asks, clicking her tongue. I knew exactly who the father was, but the last thing I needed was for him to hunt me down. I already had that run-in. A run-in I would much rather forget when I told him I was carrying his child. He didn’t even remember me. Didn’t help he was a rival pack Alpha. It was easier pretending I didn’t know. The shame I have brought my family for being pregnant was bad enough; my father would have killed me for the disrespect of foolishly getting into bed with the Blood Alpha.

I watch the nurse flick her red curly hair over her shoulder. “He is cute; shame his mother was a whore” She sneers, and I see the points of her canines pressing beneath her gums as they protrude past her lips.

“Can I get some panadol?” I ask, ignoring her comment, I had received multiple along the same lines since being here, and now I was feeling a headache coming on. I didn’t feel the need to defend myself; there was no point. Nothing I say would make them look at me any different.

“Sorry, can’t. It is not on your charts,” She says.

“It’s panadol, not like I am asking for morphine,” I tell her.

“Doesn’t matter. It isn’t on your charts, so you will have to go without,” She says, dropping the chart on the table beside me. Most women heal directly after giving birth. Because I haven’t shifted yet, I had no such healing ability.

“Can I get something to eat at least?” I ask her. I was starving, and breastfeeding was making me ravenous.

“You came in after the dinner rounds, and breakfast is at 7Am,” she tells me. I look at the clock and see it is only just after 8pm. I nod, knowing this nurse was not going to help in any way possible. Crap, every nurse here was horrible because of my situation. I sometimes wished I could leave this City, pretending to be human and just go about my life with my son.

think of the repercussions of having a child to someone who isn’t your mate?

but it was his choice too. I fight back the tears from her words. Staring down at my amber-eyed boy,

when I waved to her before coming over to me. Her long pencil, straight hair hung to her shoulders; she would have been

can get some water? Or maybe a cup of tea?” I ask her, and she glares at me. My stomach

me. My son starts to stir, and I reach over and grab him out of his crib

asks, making me look at her. I just had a baby. Why else? I thought

tremble slightly, this head nurse obviously instilled fear among

this ward,” The woman says before turning her nose up at

her mate. She was right. We were allowed one person with us constantly while in here. The girl next to me, her mate, hasn’t left her side since I got here. The person across from me had multiple people

tending to their

side to stop from falling back. She wheels me through the maternity ward before going down a corridor, and I appear to be leaving the maternity unit altogether. The nurse finally stops

can I get some water?” She was already gone and didn’t even acknowledge

bother. They won’t help us,” comes a voice before someone jerks the petitioning curtain away. I found two more girls. One looked to be nearly thirty with long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. The other was around sixteen with

name is Macey,” the oldest of them



won’t. Seriously your best off getting out as soon as

they are supposed to,” I tell her,

buzz and forget about them feeding you. I haven’t received anything since being here,” Macey explains before reaching to her feet and pulling a

I was, and I came prepared

had a baby before?” She

single mother too.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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