chapter 86 

My father stumbled back. Blood spurted from his broken nose but Valen swung again, knocking my father down before pouncing on 

ng my father down before pouncing on him and raining blow after blow while my father tried to block his punches. My fathers warriors that chased me here raced toward Valen as he pummeled my father. My father snarled, blocking the next hit and punching Valen in the ribs, then splitting Valens eyebrow open with his next hit and my heart raced as my fathers wolves circled around us, trying to get to Valen without attacking my father


Valen punches my father again. When my father lifted his leg and kicked Valen in the chest, m y mother screamed as they fought for supremacy. Valen is forced back and now an open target. The wolves charged toward him and I gasped, tossing myself in their way.” 

Stand down,I screamed, and my aura erupted out. My aura washed over them, and they all froze. The realization that my command actually worked on them shocked me, however I was technically their true Alpha but still I thought for sure my command would have no effect on m y fathers pack since I was no longer a member

Valen snarls and my father went to tackle him when Ava shoved herself between them. Both of them were breathing heavily in their rage, and I can feel that Valen was on the verge of shifting. I grabbed his arm, pushing him away while Ava and my father stood off. She was tiny between the two Alphas and if they attacked each other again, she would get caught in the crossfire and so would I. Thankfully, my mother rushes down the steps, tears streaking her face as she grabs my fathers arm, tugging him back

You knew I had a child?Valen snarls behind me and tries to push me aside to get to my father again. My hand hits his chest as he goes to attack him. Yes, he had every right to be pissed at my father, but this wasnt his fight. We are also severely outnumbered. This wasn’t supposed to happen, though the information was shocking that he knew all along. I didnt want this to become a fight. Not for Valen, anyway. I came here, and I will not look weak by hiding behind my mate

My father shrugs my mothers hand off and wipes his nose with the back of his hand and spits blood on the ground. Of course, I knew. I wasnt about to hand over my daughter to the likes o f you to use against me,my father snarls

But its alright that you try to palm your other daughter off to him years later,I scoff

Yes, to clean up the mess you made! All you had to do was have the abortion, Everly. Instead, now you have put my entire pack at risk for breaking the treaty. How was I supposed to know Valen would turn out to be your mate!my father snarls

What fucking treaty? I had a baby! A son, a precious little boy, your grandson, you didnt just punish me, you punished him! You punished my son because of who his father is?” 

Yes, because you were promised to another!he bellowed. Your future was planned out, and you ruined it all!my father screams at me

John!my mother gasps behind him

To who?Valen demands with an angry growl. My father glares at him before turning his attention back to me

You have done enough damage, Everly. Now get off my pack lands,my father says, turning t o walk inside

Sign the petition, dad. You owe me this!I tell him, and he stops. His entire back tenses as he turns to face me

saved you!” he screams at me and I laugh.

streets to fend for ourselves. You didn‘t save me, but I should thank you. Because if you didn‘t, I would be wearing the same rose–colored glasses as the rest of you

your own ignorance and ego. Blind to those that reside in the city, those you all once promised to protect. Packs, packs are supposed to be family. Not one of you here knows the meaning of the word! If you did, your children and grandchildren wouldn‘t be

in deplorable conditions because of a label you bestowed upon their mothers, your

despite the labels you gave them, they stood up when the rest of you backed away. They stood up and raised the children

warriors had appeared amongst the crowd, some in wolf form as they crept closer. I chuckle. He would have them attack his

Everly,” my mother murmurs, glancing around nervously before looking at my father in horror.

was one thing being

they will miss out

Alpha Valen‘s pack because they were

for sure Valen could and would die for

tell him, not taking my eyes off my father. My father smirks as if he

had called in the troops. He growls, pushing me behind him, but I grab his arm, and he glances

need to leave,” he tells me through

the car,” I tell him, holding eye contact with him. He growls, pushing me toward my car.

car!” I tell him again, and he stops looking at

are you doing?”

now get in the car. I refuse to be seen as hiding behind you.” I tell

safely in that car,”

He actually sounded like he didn‘t want it to come to this, which I thought was odd considering he ordered them here. The reputation all came down to reputation.

don‘t budge. “Do not ask me to walk away,” he murmurs, and I knew everyone was waiting for the Big Bad Blood Alpha to drag me away kicking and screaming, but if Valen truly meant what he said, that I was his equal, he would

mind–link, and he looks around me then growls angrily

touches you. I will kill him,” he

one is dying here today. Just get in the car.” I tell him and he reluctantly pulls away,

not?” he whispers,

tell him. Valen curses, Dot happy, but suddenly understands. He shakes his

before he

murmurs of him walking away from me and leaving me out in the open were loud. Shocked, he would let his Luna fend for herself. They didn‘t realize I didn‘t need to hide behind anyone. I was born a n Alpha. It was my birthright,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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