Alpha Asher novel By Jane Doe chapter 11
Tyler emerged from the brush of the forest, looking exactly how I had remembered him.

His sandy blonde hair was slightly longer now, and his torso was a little more swollen with muscle. His blue eyes held the same arrogance they had held his entire life.

His blue eyes were full of caution and some strange emotion as he slowly approached me.

“I’m alerting the others.” Maya snapped.

“Wait.” I demanded, “I want to hear what he has to say.”

“If he gets too close, I’m ripping his head off.” Maya growled.

“Agreed.” I replied.

“Lola.” Tyler breathed, “It’s been a long time.”

I blinked at him stupidly. Out of everything he’s done and put this pack through, that’s all he has to say?

“No kidding.” I snapped, “You better come up with something better unless you want the others to find out you’re here.”

Tyler shook his head, “You wouldn’t call them on me, would you Lola?”

“Like you said, it’s been a long time.” I kept my voice indifferent, staring at him with hard eyes.

Seeing Tyler in person was proof that things had indeed changed. The butterflies that once scattered in my stomach under his blue-eyed gaze were now nonexistent. Looking into the depths of his ocean eyes invoked none of the feelings they had used to. All I felt for him now was hate, a dangerous emotion for any creature to hold.

“Lola.” Tyler’s voice turned soft as he took another step towards me, “You know I’d never hurt you.”

My heart squeezed at the sincerity in his words, but my mind knew better. Tyler only held interest in himself, he cared for only himself. The girl who had been raised along side him was the one hurting. The new Lola felt nothing for him.

Tyler took another tentative step, “I made a mistake, Lola. I never should’ve left you.”

growled, her eyes locked on

my head, “I’ll never listen to

squeezed again as Lola from the past finally

and I

I snapped, “You found your mate,

loved you

think he’s playing.” Maya snarled, desperate to sink her

growl filled with fury

steps, caution filling his blue

came back for you, Lola.” Tyler’s voice was

Maya would never allow it. He had abandoned his

Lola.” Tyler’s blue eyes darted around frantically, “I had

Maya snarled, “Never in a million

Mom’s dead, y’know.” I pointed out, reading

and then guilt

surprised, he actually

“I don’t know what to think. All I know is

that, Lola.” Tyler shook his head,

the f**k happened, Tyler?” I snapped, “You left everyone to

I swear. Asher said he’d

would’ve let another Alpha escape.”

gritted my teeth together. His eyes were brimming with sincerity, but

a merciless Alpha,

don’t believe him.” Maya

either, but you have to admit he

shook her head,

should I believe you, Tyler?” I glared at him, “You’ve done

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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