Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 64 – After reading our fill of the information before us, the three of us trudged back into the living room. Breyona made sure to return the book, placing it exactly how it was when she had removed it from the safe.

“Can’t be too careful.” Breyona chuckled breathlessly, but her eyes looked pained.

The three of us sat in silence, each mulling over our own bit of information. I hadn’t told them about Jessie, not having realized how important she was until now. I had met Jessie during patrol one night with Carter, Wade and Mason. Two years younger than me, but out running patrol due to her keen sense of smell. I wasn’t sure if Jessie knew of her heritage, but happily placed it into the ‘worry about later’ category. There was little point for me to jump into Jessie’s life and turn it upside down.

When the silence finally became too much, and I remembered Alpha Asher’s plan for tonight, I broke the silence.

“How would you two feel about coming with me to get Sean back?” My voice sounded stronger than I felt, my words coming out strong and steady. My insides were a knot of nerves. Worrying about Sean and his safety, along with my Father’s plans and the annoying mark on my neck.

While I felt elated to have found information about my mark, I still had a week before my nineteenth birthday. An entire week to endure this mark on my skin, to deal with the constant pull I felt whenever I thought of Tristan.

“Does Alpha Asher know of this plan to save Sean?” Breyona’s eyebrow lifted, some of the trouble in her eyes faded at the distraction.

“Of course.” I scoffed, “He’s the one who came up with the idea. It’s like you have no faith in me.”

“Faith? That’s what you call it.” Breyona chuckled, my question now grabbing her full attention.

“What would we have to do?” Mason’s eyes were locked on my own, a lopsided grin forming on his face.

“Alpha Asher is bringing two of his own men. We’re going to a nightclub in some city. There they have this underground fighting tournament, one with werewolves and humans.” My lips slowly fell as I said the words out loud.

I’m sure we were all thinking the same thing. If Sean was there and we managed to rescue him, would he be the same?

“So, are we storming the gates? Or is this more of a lay low operation?” Mason quipped, breaking the air of unease that had filled the room.

“I think it’s a lay low operation.” I chuckled, “Alpha Asher will go more in depth once we leave tonight, but for now dress the part.”

“I wonder how many werewolves they get have come into their clubs.” Breyona mused, her fingers tapping against her jeans.

“Hopefully a couple.” I mumbled, “That’s something you should mention to Alpha Asher tonight. Be at the packhouse before six.”

Claiming she had some errands to run, Breyona dropped Mason and I at my old house. Anytime I mentioned my Grandma’s cooking, Mason nearly jumped from his shoes in excitement. I was sure by the end of the year; Grandma would want to adopt both Breyona and Mason. I made sure to tell Mason to keep the plan from my Dad. It would butcher my insides to see the look of sorrow on his face if we failed, or if Sean was nowhere to be found.

haven’t seen ya in ages, kid.” Dad grunted, watching from his usual place on the recliner. Some football rerun played

pointed out, coming inside from the backyard, an exasperated look on her face as she

been around the house, been spending all her time up with

followed by a

the packhouse now.” Grandma snorted, pulling some food from the refrigerator, as if she had known the two of us walked into her house hungry. “Mason, would you give me a hand with

kid to help

to cook?” Grandma side-eyed Mason, a smile

so I know how to fry

shocked looking Mason. I gave him a thumbs up and plopped down on

you been likin’ the packhouse, Lola?” Dad grunted, forcing his eyes to remain on the television. Something in his tone piqued my interest. He sounded uncomfortable and

eyebrow lifted as I took in my Dad’s weathered yet

the Alpha’s been treatin’ you alright?” Dad grumbled, clearing his throat before reluctantly forcing his

discomfort in my stomach. “We’re both horrible liars and you look like you’re about to

me a defensive grimace, Dad finally

Asher–seem close.” Dad grunted, waiting for me to make the connection. “I just don’t want

Dad’s words and their multiple meanings

chuckled, “My birthday’s almost here, which will

caused all those years ago. A sour taste filled my mouth at the thought of my Mom. I had been so quick to shove the pain away, that I never had a chance to truly mourn

Maya snorted,

I hissed, ‘Dad doesn’t need

your face is supposed to

the deep blush that stained my cheeks.

town like a crazy person, sniffing

met my eyes. Mason had a smear of flour across his

no such thing.” Grandma chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m sure Alpha Asher would be more than willing to throw you a

year.” I chuckled

meet Brittany that night but our time with Alpha Asher was well worth it.’ Maya shrugged, making

stuff going on, everyone needs something to celebrate.” Grandma shrugged, her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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