Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 144 – I barely remembered running into the forest even though I had little red marks speckling my face and arms from how fast I’d been going. Branches both barren and full of leaves slapped at my b**e skin, but the proof of it faded within seconds.

Her scent was faint, but I followed the thread until it withered away in my hands. The shadows scurried into the darkest corners of the forest, retreating farther with every step I took. I had just noticed it when the sound of a wet gasp sounded from close by.

The sight of her face, and the paleness of her skin as she lay sprawled out in the grass nearly sent me into shock. My mind was shutting down my senses one at a time until I could make sense of reality. There was one thing alone that propelled me forwards, making me stumble and scrape my knees as I fell at her side.

It was the slow thud of her heart and the way her lips formed a small smile as her eyes focused on me.

I didn’t hesitate as I tore her shirt open and yanked down her tank top, but the weeping stab wound above her left breast had a sob catching in my throat.

“Goddess, Breyona. Why did you come out this far?” I whispered and pressed my shirt against her chest, barely recalling when I took it off.

“I saw…I saw my wolf…” She croaked and licked her dry lips, which were now coated with a sheen of blood. I tried to shush her, but the words tumbled from her lips. “…she looked different.”

I stared down at my hands and remembered the glow that had taken over Rowena’s. She could use her magic to heal, which meant I could do the same. Maya didn’t speak the truth that lingered between us, that I might not be able to heal like Rowena could. Still, there was no other option. Rowena was too far away, and Breyona had minutes…possibly even seconds left.

There was no one that could help us in time. It was up to me, which meant there was no room for failure.

I threw my blood-soaked shirt across the grass and flattened my palms against her chest, trying to picture my own glow radiating from my skin. When that didn’t work, I closed my eyes and clawed at that smoky substance entangled with my soul.

I came up with nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat in my ears, and the anguish that came with failure.

“Lola…” Her voice was so quiet.

The sound of it held my heart in a vice grip and clenched with every raspy breath she took. I told her to be quiet, to let me fix this. Her blood coated my hands, and for once my stomach revolted at the sight. I couldn’t stand the look in her eyes, or the tear that trailed down her cheek because we both knew that I couldn’t fix this.

A branch snapped a few feet away, deep within the darkness of the forest. A sense of awareness tickled my spine, the same one I felt when that witch broke into our home.

that watched with caution. I thought I could feel them hiding, responding to my rage as I

or how many there were. All I knew was that if her heart stopped, everyone involved would d*e. “You want me? Come

being watched faded, until I knew we were truly

“Lola, it’s alright…”

were clear as they stared into mine, but it was the understanding in her voice that broke a piece of me I

was truly willing to go

it is.”

on the shadows that hid within it. With every ounce of

wasn’t just rage I felt when

It was betrayal.

only to get a better look. Still hidden within the dark, I could feel their anxiety

make a deal with you!” I screamed into the night and felt their answer in the way

into a lightning storm that raged in my chest. I screamed

was removed. It left my morals scrambled until I wasn’t sure I cared what was right

and the sound was every bit as unhinged as I felt. “You took the only thing she had to protect herself, and now you

breath. Acurrent skated over my skin, raising the hairs along my arms and neck

“Save. her. Life. Now.”

head when every shadow lurking within the forest swarmed us. A dense fog void of color surrounded us, very much sentient, and watching. They encompassed Breyona until she vanished form my sight, until the

me, and I could feel their ire as if it were my own. If they had answered me, had

I was a child-who accepted my half-assed apology for turning into a b***h and became the

they lunged,

mattered was the wound on her chest was gone, leaving behind smooth skin. They took every

easy enough. If I wasn’t furious and running on the fumes of my fading adrenaline, I would’ve found the sight of her tall

that never happened before. They were voyeurs, watching until they were called, never affected by what went on in the world around them.

followed us as I carried her through the forest, but didn’t dare get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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