Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 139 – “Spirits from the other side…

…hear my words, hear my cry…

Only one of you we do seek…

…a mother of two, whose secrets still sleep…

We ask you to cross the great divide…

…to share the truth you chose to hide.”

I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until I felt Asher’s eyes on my face. Still, I couldn’t exhale. There was this part of me that was terrified I’d be disappointed, that the worst would happen, and she wouldn’t come.

Through all the fights I loved the mother I knew, but I wished she were here to tell me this herself.

Cordelia repeated her chant a second time, and then a third. The air around us was thick and heavy, like a tangible substance that weighed us down. I watched as Breyona wiped the sweat from her forehead with the sleeve of her hoodie. She pointed at it and grimaced, regret in her eyes. Asher was stoic, his face a mask that revealed nothing. Even Rowena looked a bit flustered and was using her hand to fan her face.

Just when I thought she’d say it a fourth time and s**k the rest of the oxygen from the room, something happened.

They were too light to be shadows. More like whisps of smoke that rolled across the floor, gathering within the ring of candles at the center of our circle. They coalesced, swirling like smoke under glass.

First, the figure of a woman formed.

As the smoke faded, absorbed into the corporeal being standing feet in front of us, I found myself looking into the eyes of my mother.

She looked different than what I remembered, but it had been an entire year since I last saw her. We had fought tirelessly over Tyler, but she hadn’t argued with me when I told her I wanted to live with grandma-she hadn’t said much of anything.

remembered it and curled softly at the ends. Sean had told me what she looked like when he went to identify the body, the wounds that

at her, the more I could’ve convinced myself that she was actually here-alive and safe. It was the translucence to her body that sent me hurtling through space, crashing towards earth as I remembered she wasn’t here, she wasn’t

Asher’s, but something inside of me broke when my mom got down on her

at me, one of her genuine smiles I seemed to witness less and less as I aged. There was no anger in her eyes, no guilt or disappointment. They shimmered with happiness,

out. The knot in my throat

her face served as a reminder that we were on borrowed time. I had to pull myself together

questions …” I took a few seconds to find my voice, oblivious to the tears that trailed down my cheeks. Mom’s lips fell and she

these things myself, Lola…” Her eyes held everything we had missed together. The conversations and secrets, even the arguments and silly way’s we

I couldn’t help it when my head turned towards the sound of

She could see it; I know she could. It was one of the reason’s she had hated Tyler,

to meet you in person, Alpha Asher.” Mom’s smile was knowing and gave

“Likewise.” He nodded stiffly.

tears that fell, blinking past them until I could see clearly again. “…I need to know why you did it. Was it because you couldn’t

you started walking…all you wanted to do was explore, but soon things started happening. Car keys would disappear, and eventually so would your toys. They’d always turn up in the strangest of places. On the roof, in the neighbors

to keep me safe, but now it’s putting me in danger. I need to

for a spell, and the last one is the blood of the witch who bound your magic. The witch is with me on the other side…” My heart dropped,

of relief was so strong I had nearly mistaken it for adrenaline. “Where can we find

has a son and two grandchildren to look

I started to

smart for her own good, following those instincts of hers that never once led her astray. I lost track of the number of birthdays and Christmases she ruined by guessing her gift

the woman revive countless rose bushes and saplings that were far beyond repair, only to

sister is a witch…” I trailed off, “…which means Grandma

her smile before it fell into something softer. “I needed to keep you away from magic, Lola… which also

though my throat tightened, my voice came out strong and confident. Perhaps it was because I believed what I was saying, or because I wanted my mom to know that she didn’t have to

her to take and had been all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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