Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 126 – “Wonderful.” I sighed a bit more dramatically than I initially meant to, ” The only two people who can help us is a witch who could easily be d**d by now and my mom, who actually is d**d. Is resurrecting people a thing, or is that just in the movies?”

“Just in the movies, dear.” Cordelia replied, not at all disturbed. If anything, my comment gave her an idea. Her eyes lit up with the same mischievous light as grandmas, only Cordelia’s held traces of unearthly magic. “Summoning her spirit, however. That could be doable. I’d need to leave town to get the supplies…but I could have everything ready within a few days.”

‘It already sounds like a bad idea…do you really think this is the way to remove your magical block?’ Asher’s gruff voice filled my head, keeping my thoughts from drifting as I pulled onto the highway, seeing Breyona’s car follow behind.

I tried to keep my voice light, but I was nervous.

‘Afraid of a little ghost?’ I used what weak humor I had to break up the tension in my chest. ‘I honestly have no clue, but getting first hand answers is something I can’t pass up…if she even answers. Cordelia described it as a supernatural phone call. After all this c**p, she better not put me on silent.’

Through the bond that connected Asher and me, I could hear the muffled sound of a ringing cellphone.

Asher cursed, ‘I’ve got to go, that’ll be Zeke and Mason. We’ve assembled a small group to comb through parts of the surrounding mountains. Theres every chance the witches or vampires could be hiding up there.’

‘Keep me updated if you find anything.’ I replied.

‘Sure thing, beautiful.’

Rather than turn around and head straight towards Asher like the mate- bond was telling me to do, I continued to the old house Cordelia and Rowena had been staying in. While Rowena got to know Holly and hopefully found a way through the shell of fear that kept her rooted in place, Breyona and I planned to spend our day helping them move their belongings. There wasn’t time to furnish the new house, and it was faster to move what furniture there was rather than wait.

I was surprised to see a small moving truck as I pulled into the driveway, and even more surprised when I saw a head of golden hair peaking above a stack of boxes. Breyona pulled up alongside the road and hopped out, following me up the porch to where Cassidy stood.

“Oh, hey!” Her baby-blues lit up as she saw Breyona and I. She placed her hands in the back pockets of her frayed shorts and smiled. “I hope you both don’t mind. I got out of lacrosse practice early, so I figured I’d get a head start.”

“I actually didn’t know you’d be here, but we wouldn’t mind the extra set of hands.” I told her truthfully, looking at Breyona who nodded.

face, which only aided in confusing

Breyona and I followed suit, She grinned over her shoulder as we descended the porch steps and placed the boxes into the small truck. “He asked if I’d come help you two out, make things go by faster. If you ask me,

the sectional. A few human men in a crappy pick-up truck passed by the three of us. I could instantly tell they were human because the driver slammed on his breaks and sent

few pizzas and took a short break. The soreness in my muscles wasn’t entirely unpleasant and made

said to Cassidy, shoving a second dresser out of the front door, Next was the coffee table

no, wait. Let me guess.

hint. He’s five eleven but probably told

split second before she rolled them in typical mean girl’s fashion. If

does that tool want?” She lifted an

gave me an explanation on why his girlfriend was calling him-or

She repeated, a manicured hand on her

sleazy.” Breyona shouted over her shoulder, carrying a stack of boxes

nodded, “agreed, still

ex-girlfriend is mated to his younger brother.” I

his nose, though. He could’ve

smiling as Breyona’s raucous laughter sounded from inside the

shrugged, “Fair, I’ll apologize for that. It is a really nice

Breyona agreed they’d take the moving truck to the new house and then drive back to get their cars, since Asher sent me a mind-link letting me know Giovanni had just

found driving at night to be relaxing, even though with these twists and turns it was near impossible to see more than ten feet in front of you. Since there weren’t any light posts, all I had to guide my way were the headlights of the car. The crisp breeze filtered in through

ringing of my cellphone filled the car, along with the harsh white glow from the screen lighting up. Tristan’s name and a blurry photograph I snapped of him at night flashed on the screen. I let it go to voicemail, thinking he was calling to tell me Giovanni had gotten back. When it rang

seat. The harsh light left splotches in my vision, but I managed to hit the little green answer button before

werewolves–is your ability to mind-link.” Tristan’s choppy but disappointed sigh filled the car, followed

you’re having a good day.” I replied, “If you called to tell me Giovanni’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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