Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 72 – The shadows slithered from sight, maneuvering through the tall grass unseen. Alpha Asher’s wide eyes met my own as he too could see them slithering. I was thankful he couldn’t hear their seductive whispers, begging me to call on them again.

‘Mason…’ Maya gasped, cringing against the icy torrent invading my body.

The shadows slithered across the small space that separated us from the Vampire’s. I watched as they gathered, most of the Vampires were completely oblivious.

The one standing beside Adrienne was not. His seafoam eyes widened at the sight, his eyes snapping up to meet my own.

‘He can see them…’ Maya murmured; her tone fearful. ‘Why can’t everyone else see them?’

I couldn’t form the words to answer Maya, rooted in place as the shadows glided forward.

Adrienne was oblivious, her golden eyes narrowed at Mason, her arm tucked tightly around her Vampire mate.

They pooled around her feet, lapping against her stiletto boots like murky water. The shadows gathered at her feet, rising as more added to their numbers.

I held my breath until my lungs burned, silently pleading for a way out of this bargain.

‘Unbreakable…you must pay the price, Princess’

The shadows cooed, their silky voices falling on my ears in hushed waves. Neither side had made a move yet, as Alpha Asher and the Vampire watched the gathering shadows in h****r.

The other Vampire’s twitched anxiously, waiting for their leader to call them forward. My friends shot Alpha Asher and I uneasy looks, also wondering why we hadn’t taken action.

The shadows rose high, much higher than my short stature. Just when they reached Adrienne’s height, the whisps of shadow seemed to solidify and take form.

The dark form of a man stood in front of Adrienne, just inches away, and still she was oblivious.

I su*ked in a ragged breath as the shadow’s arm raised, slicing across the air in one smooth motion.

Silence echoed across the dark forest, as if the bugs and animals were all holding their breaths. There was no mistaking the feeling of unease that had settled across us all. Even if they couldn’t see the shadows, they could feel that something felt…wrong.

A thin, jagged line of scarlet beaded against Adrienne’s neck, bright in contrast to her espresso skin. She hadn’t even realized what happened yet.

Her golden eyes widened, her hands lip at her sides. At first the blood trickled down, slow and thick as it made its descent down her slender neck.

Her hands snapped up to her neck, her hands grasping wildly at the gaping wound in her throat. Her blood began to spurt in long waves, watering the grass and staining the earth.

The shadows broke apart, falling to the ground once more. They slithered over the fallen blood, devouring each drop that fell to the earth.

Mason lurched forward; his hands extended as if he were going to help his d***g mate.

‘There’s nothing you can do’, I wanted to tell him. ‘I k****d her, Mason. I k****d your mate.’

Mason stopped d**d in his tracks as a chorus of hisses erupted from the Vampires, warning him to back off.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, her Vampire mate unleashed a snarl of pure fury.

Adrienne fell to the ground, beautiful and still as she lay in the grass. Her golden eyes were focused on me, as though she were taunting me.

‘I know what you did, stupid wolf.’

I could hear her exotic voice in my head, her words like a whip against my b**e skin.

I made the mistake of looking into Mason’s eyes, drowning in the sorrow and confusion that filled his gaze. His eyes never once left Adrienne,

The Vampires rushed forward, their leader barreling into Alpha Asher. Carter and Wade met the Vampire’s with equal gusto. Mason and Breyona leapt into action, but the four of them couldn’t seem to wipe the h****r and confusion from their eyes.

I had been so absorbed with the h****r of what I had done that I didn’t notice the two Vampire’s charging my way. With a snarl of absolute malice, Sean knocked the two Vampire’s to the ground.

human form, shifting his hand into claws as he tore the heart from one of the

fighting more than one Vampire at a time, giving most of his attention to their

bursting at the seams, and Mason’s horrorstruck face in mind, I called Maya

time basking in the moonlight, there were more important

any older than eighteen, a child forced to fight against wolves. His blonde hair was a couple shades darker than Tristan’s, sun kissed even though he couldn’t go out in the sun. My teeth

never k****d someone before, even in self-defense and I would never forget the emotions that crossed his eyes. Innocent surprise filled his gaze, followed by sheer

the ground without hesitation and moved

more than a cruel sneer, he tore the heart from the Vampire leader’s chest. His body hit the ground with a wet thud, his out stretched hand only

through the mind-link, her

woods, and b**n the bodies.’ Alpha Asher’s voice was strong and acted as a beacon to

and I shifted into our human forms. We slipped on some clothes we had kept in the trunk, just

woods. I could hear my heart shatter as Mason picked up his deceased mate, her long curly hair waving in the light breeze. She was limp in his arms,

the Vampire’s. Mason stared on at the fire,

whisper, each word left his lips slowly as though

what to say. What could I say? There was nothing that could undo what I had done. I had blindly made a deal with the shadows, not bothering to have them

Maya murmured, the crackling fire drowning out her sorrowful

it didn’t excuse what

opened, my voice

seconds away from lunging at my throat. “I felt something there with us, something cold and ancient and just–bad. It

“I–it was, but Mason-“

you ask them to k**l her?” Mason snarled, taking a step towards me as his eyes flashed murderously. All traces

between Mason and I. His back was turned to me,

see? I didn’t deserve his protection. Mason had every right to

this way. I couldn’t let him walk away thinking I wanted to

flickered in the depths of Mason’s eyes, something that gave

his voice thick with repressed emotion. I hadn’t told Alpha Asher the deal I made; I hadn’t told him the price

cascaded down my face, and I realized I had been crying Alpha Asher raised his hand as though he were going to wipe

veins. I

her hazel eyes locked on my face. I wanted to say something, but

thick silence, a frown etched onto his carefree

grunted, her eyes flickering

Asher murmured, his intense gaze

follow closely behind. Once I had finally caught up to her, we walked down the dark road in silence. I could feel the whirlwind of emotions that swarmed

to throw something, to smack myself

Breyona used her voice like a whip, lashing against my chilled skin without mercy. “I understand why you did

voice little more than a painful rasp. “I didn’t

on her hips. Breyona’s emotionless mask had shifted into one of irritation and anger. Her hazel eyes narrowed at me, sending a shard of regret burrowing into my stomach. “You were

it through.” I shook my head furiously, tears pricking the

couldn’t let him d*e.” Breyona snapped, running a hand through her short hair. “But don’t you get it? You can’t be a d**n martyr and throw your life away without thinking of the rest of

words flitted through my mind, and yet I couldn’t figure out what to say. Tears formed

ignoring the tears that escaped my weary eyes.

the shadows, what would have happened to her?” Breyona grimaced, as if the words burned her throat during their exit. “During the fight, what would have happened to

asking, and I knew the answer. Adrienne would have died, or escaped to run back to the Vampire’s. While it nearly made my heart seize in my chest, there wasn’t a happy ending for Adrienne and

I know how much Mason is hurting, but she wasn’t

murmured; my voice

A small sign sticking from the ground said this was where you park if you were going to take a bus. The bus stop sat at the corner, a few feet away from

to every shadow in sight. There was no movement, no slithery voice that cooed in my ear.

stick figure families. A stick figure Mom and Dad stood next

seven people to transport and we need something inconspicuous.” Breyona grunted, catching my gaze as I

mini-van in silence, watching as Breyona

found myself

life and Breyona shot

back to the abandoned house, maneuvering around the back end of the wrecked SUV. Smoke was no longer billowing from the hood and thankfully the car hadn’t erupted


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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