Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 51 – Lola’s P.o.v

We had finally stopped training some time in the afternoon. I was exhausted and sore, but I could tell Alpha Asher had been holding back. I’m sure he didn’t want to sap all my strength, leaving me tired and sore come tomorrow.

We walked to the kitchens together in silence. The smell of food wafted around the house, my stomach replying appreciatively.

“Food.” I murmured, my tongue running along my lower lip.

Alpha Asher caught the action, his honey eyes burning into my lower lip.

“Alpha Zeke likes to cook.” Alpha Asher smirked, peeling his eyes from my mouth. “He makes himself at home very quickly.”

We walked into the kitchen where Alpha Zeke stood. A white stain-filled apron was tied around his waist. He had something white and powdery in his raven hair. His back was turned to us as he dropped something into a boiling pot.

“Already made yourself at home?” Alpha Asher smirked, making our presence in the kitchen known.

“Y’know, I don’t have to share my food.” Alpha Zeke shook his head, “Very unappreciative of you, Alpha Asher.”

“I’m appreciative.” I called out, a hand on my rumbling stomach. “It smells amazing.”

“Why thank you.” Alpha Zeke gave me a wide smile, “Come have a seat.”

I ignored the look of anger on Alpha Asher’s face and stalked over to the kitchen island. I wasn’t sure what his problem was, but I’m sure I’d deal with it later. I pulled myself onto one of the island stools and waited patiently.

“I make my own pasta, y’know.” Alpha Zeke smiled smugly, loading some pasta onto a plate.

Alpha Zeke placed a plate in front of me, smiling as I dug in greedily. I shot Alpha Asher a lopsided grin as he narrowed his eyes at me. Alpha Zeke relented, handing Alpha Asher a plate of food.

The three of us dug into our food, Alpha Zeke filled the silence. At first glance, anyone would find Alpha Zeke terrifying. His build was huge, his muscles extremely defined. His personality was anything but. He kept the conversation flowing effortlessly, his laugh was contagious. He was someone I could see myself becoming friends with easily. I wondered how someone like Alpha Zeke became friends with Alpha Asher.

I was very fond of Alpha Asher, but that didn’t mean I ignored his flaws. He was so serious all of the time. Anger was one of his primary emotions. I couldn’t remember ever seeing him genuinely smile, the thought tormenting me more than it should have.

“So, what is a fiery thing like you doing with a hot-headed Alpha?” Alpha Zeke turned his full attention on me. His light eyes were captivating, rooting me in place until my face flushed red.

What was I supposed to say? That I pissed Alpha Asher off, making him crave my body? There wasn’t a chance in h**l I was going to say that.

Maya snickered, ‘Judging from the

Asher lifted his eyebrow at Alpha

Asher deadpan, “I

Alpha Asher shook his head, “Simply

the two of you meet?” Alpha Zeke looked from Alpha Asher to I, his light

moved away for a while, came back and Alpha Asher was in charge.” I shrugged, “I

late for

Asher, “It was a long day and

incapable of following instruction.” Alpha Asher

were flitting between the two of us,

rolled my

Alpha Asher scoffed, “More like

instructions pretty well yesterday if you ask me.” I huffed, crossing

what I was referring to. The memory of his c**k filling my throat popped into my head, my legs clenching together out of habit. Alpha Asher noticed

made finishing the rest of dinner difficult. Part

with the same amused light that

the two of

opposed. I turned to open my bedroom door, only to

Asher smirked, his

all sorts

clothes.” I raised my eyebrow at him, concealing my

don’t need clothes, Lola.” Alpha Asher leaned down, his lips grazing

large hands gripped my waist, traveling down to squeeze my bottom. A yelp left my

so much better

silently as he opened the door to his bedroom. He walked the two of us into the bathroom and placed me on my feet. His bathroom was abnormally large, much larger than the one in my suite. His bathtub had lights

still seared my skin. Every time I found myself alone with Alpha Asher, I battled the same emotion. Perverse excitement would fill me, hoping he would finally give me what I wanted. Some part of me was always

I was still wearing my workout clothes from today, nothing special. Just a simple sports bra and a pair of leggings. My skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and I’m sure I didn’t smell too pleasant. I couldn’t understand

thinking?” Alpha Asher smirked; his dark eyes locked on

back by the question, and I’m sure it showed on

tend to say what’s on your mind without restraint.” Alpha

his earlier comment. “I’m just wearing workout clothes. I’m sweaty and I’m sure I don’t

me. I no longer backed against the wall, instead I stepped into his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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