169 “Jealous, Mr. Stone?”

In the morning, Sophia felt a strong reluctance to leave the comfort of their bed. She was nestled against Alexander, finding solace in his embrace, unwilling to part from him.

As her phone emitted a new message notification, Sophia reached for it with a begrudging scowl, not wanting to disturb their moment of intimacy.

“Stay here,” Alexander murmured, pulling her back into his arms. ” Whatever it is can wait.”

“What if they’ve kidnapped someone again?” Sophia joked, a playful smirk gracing her lips.

ga “I don’t like how this is becoming a routine for us,” Alexander grumbled sleepily.

Sophia chuckled as she extricated herself from his embrace and glanced at her phone. Benjamin’s message flashed on the screen.

“I’m thinking of visiting our childhood homes. Do you want to come with me?” the message read.

Sophia read it aloud, noting Alexander’s furrowed brow.

“No,” he responded curtly.


the rest of our lives in

and shook

uncover the secrets my grandfather has been hiding. I haven’t pieced the puzzle

then I’ll

work?” Sophia asked. ” Plus, Benjamin and I haven’t seen each other in

Sophia was right about him needing to

you really be going

Stone?” Sophia teased, a playful glint

the idea of you being away from

childhood friend,” Sophia

Sophia?” Alexander raised an eyebrow. “Because I know what I would

that?” Sophia

with desire at the challenge. He pulled her back into bed, looming over

you exactly what I

her with a passionate kiss, igniting a fire between them that


herself at the airport with Benjamin. While Alexander wasn’t exactly thrilled about her traveling with him

they made their way through the terminal.

Sophia admitted. “I feel like there’s so much to explore in

of those ice creams

it’s still open?” Sophia

be, or I’ll be devastated,” Benjamin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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