
Chapter 24: Ayla

Kingston had tried to help me unpack all my stuff, but I insisted he leave me to do it on my own. In the end, he gave in, and I spent most of the morning putting things away. It was still a weird feeling. I had agreed to stay, and I did want to. I felt safe here and I liked Kingston. But it was still his home.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about being beholden to him for everything. Especially since we barely knew each other. I hadn’t been dependent upon another person for so long that it made me feel more helpless than taken care of.

But it wouldn’t be forever. I really was kind of helpless at the moment. Or at least very limited. I couldn’t move around a lot for a few more days. I couldn’t drive for weeks. I had no job or idea where to start looking for one. The only thing I had going for me was that I had the funds to take care of those things… – when I could actually walk again.

So, yeah, I was feeling a bit helpless.

But I had also been going non–stop since I was fourteen. I was overdue for some downtime and someone to take care of me for once. I would just have to figure out how to enjoy it.

When I finally emerged from my room, Kingston waved me over to the living room.

“I noticed your laptop didn’t make it through the accident in great shape, so I picked you up a new one,” he said as he set a box on the coffee table. “I got you a new phone, but I wanted




Chapter 24

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to see if you wanted to keep using the old SIM card or if you wanted a new number altogether.”

didn’t have to do any of this,” I said. Yeah, still not able to just

about having to do anything,” Kingston said. “Besides, these are things you’ll need to get back on your feet. So to speak.” He gave me a wink and

sat next to him on the couch. “Okay,

I’m broke

I said, indicating the huge luxurious home

I also saved everything I needed to the cloud, so I didn’t have to worry about losing any data from the

today. There’s a home nurse scheduled to come by in about an hour.” He put a hand up, stopping me from saying anything. “I know you’re fine. But I know some things are hard for you to do on your own. And I‘ m well

nice to have someone help me wash my hair. I still had stitches that weren’t easy to avoid



Chapter 24: Ayla

288 Vouchers

stood from the couch. “And while I’m out, think

it felt weird to be asked

thing I did was check my email. I frowned

the last. I hated that he was so worried. I couldn’t keep

guess he talked to Theo. He found out I

apologizing for leaving the way I did but also making sure he didn’t do anything stupid. I didn’t want him getting in trouble over me. Especially

she knocked but didn’t bother waiting for me to answer, which

must be Ms. Ayla,” she said with a bright smile. “I’m Emma,

meet you, Emma,”

table in front of me. “Alpha filled me in on some details, and Nurse Nicole is a good friend of mine,

I’ve got some recovering to do, but I’m feeling




Chapter 24: Ayla

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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